Chapter 3: The Iris Hills annihilation

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The city of New Oregon was in flames. These two hands of mine killed a lot of people there which I regret. Though, even I know I cannot change the past. I just know I had to do something about this slowly. "Come. We have more business to take care of down south. Iris Hills." Leo told me as we walked alongside each other heading back to the car.

I got in the car with him. I started the car up beginning to feel the engine roaring through at the beginning. Both of us agreed to go down south this time around. The roads were bumpy, some of the roads were also icy so it was not the easiest of trips that we have done so far it least. "So. Not that I care but what makes it so different from the last city we decided to demolish ourselves. Isn't killing these people going to affect our reputation as upstanding citizens? I mean, it is not like I am doubting you or anything because I'm just confused why we're going off killing for no reason. Why can't we just be more considerate and allow them to escape?" I asked Leo this because I wanted a clear answer as to why we were doing all of this. It may not be the answers I might want once he answered me, but they are the answers I will probably be able to grasp once he tells me the truth.

"Sometimes when you want something done. You just have to be able to consider all the possibilities of how things may or may not go down. They may go peacefully, sometimes they may go violently but if you do not get to the point right away... you may lose the value of what you're trying to do at that moment." Leo went on. He continued to tell me what he meant by all of this. "It may not seem like much now, but those people had to see it coming sooner or later. Do you think about when you'll get a job half the time? When you do get that job and start working, do you honestly feel like you feel like you're making an honest living out of it or at that moment do you feel like you have cold feet?" I wondered about this when he explained this to me. To be honest, I feel like I was learning a lot from him. Still. Futuristic Disco is going to be a thing soon. Some girl named Miyamaka is in the process of inventing it." Leo began to smoke a cigarette as he then blew out the smoke from his mouth after he lit it.

"Take a left here." Leo suggested to me as I turned the wheel to the left side. Suddenly, I felt a barrage of bullets land on the front of the car, it slowly cracked the glass a bit. "What the hell is going on now?! Who the hell is shooting at us!" I yelled trying to understand what kind of situation I was in. "It's the bombers. They are a black African American mafia organization. They seem to have tracked down our location using a GPS device. Persistent little bastards I tell ya. Grab the Automatic Machine Gun from the backseat. It's time we raze some hell for once. I'll take the wheel for once. You take care of the bombers!" I didn't know what to think about this. Was I seriously going to gun down a bunch of black people who are only trying to avenge their own fallen cities? I would be no different than a murderer myself. However, it did not seem like time was on my side this time. So, I might as well give it a shot, leaving the questions for later. "Right."

Dawson smashed the window of the car grabbing the automatic machine gun that was stashed in the trunk. He got it in the nick of time. Reloading the magazine within the gun, he reloaded it shooting about fourteen bullets at the first car on sight. "That the best you got, my sister shoots better then you." One of the bombers insulted Dawson after a few of his shots missed the mark. "Oh. Don't worry. I am getting started, just don't cry when I actually start giving my all into blowing you all into smithereens." Dawson said to one of the bombers smirking as his eyes started glowing a dark bright red. One ocular slit appeared beneath his first eyelid.

A single shot from one of the bullets from the automatic was modified to increase speed and accuracy. This time, it hit one of the gas tanks from the first car that one of the bombers was located. Flames began to spread out throughout the tank eventually creating an explosion that would almost take out two of the remaining cars. One car was taken out. "Don't underestimate a defect. My powers are only recently growing. This is just a taste of my power, yet you should be incredibly grateful that you would be one of the few to take part of it's birth." Dawson said feeling happy of the outcome of his power. The other two bomber cars were slightly damaged from the immense explosion from the last car.

The second bomber vehicle started ramming our car. The passenger of the second vehicle decided to use a RPG. He looked to have about four rounds of missiles. "My god! How many of those do you even have?!" I yelled out wondering how in the world did we get ourselves into this situation right now. "Turn the car right! Turn right for god sake!" I yell towards Leo Galante.

Leo heard me loud and clear. He turns but it seems like the missile nearly got to us plunging a gigantic hole within the road. "Fucking idiots." Leo muttered under his breath as he did not think that the bombers would be this crazy just to get one job done. "KID. If they are bringing missiles into the mix of things. We'll need to kill them off quickly! Now!" I was scared. I was not planning on dying here. I needed to it least figure out a way how to solve this. Doing a little research, I saw that the gun had a grenade launcher setting, I call out to Leo quick. "Well, if they want to bring the heat to us. Let's fight fire with fire!"

I decided to pour about a hundred ounce of gasoline into the current weapon because it needed some type of gas to create explosive rounds. "Let it rip, kid!" Leo called out to me wanting to see the fireworks. I began to lock on to the two bomber cars trying to find a perfect range to shoot it without no misses. The gasoline within the weapon ignites as it shoots a large red haze out almost drowning the bombers in a large thick piece of what looked to be some sort of lava. It was hard to tell what It was honestly.

"We're in the clear Leo. They are dead. Let's keep moving!" I shouted to Leo exterminating our enemies finally. Leo nodded pressing on the gas at high speed. "Come on back kid!" I nod doing just as he told me. I went back to the passenger seat. "That was reckless... but I guess that's to be expected from both the bombers and us. Since we both...tried to kill each other with life threatening weapons... Ha-ha..." Leo chuckled to himself as he slammed is foot on the gas so hard, it almost as if the car was going over one thousand miles per hour.

I felt my face feeling the winds. It almost felt like I was going to pass out from the amount of pressure from outside. "Holy god. I think I'm going to vomit!" Leo chuckled. "Don't say holy or god in this vehicle. I'm an Atheist. Those two sentences make me vomit my eyes out." I close my eyes for a moment. I try to conserve myself to become less stressed. I needed to for my own sanity. "BUCKLE UP KID, THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE A BIG JUMP!" Leo yelled at me trying to make me pay attention to what was going to happen next.

The car hit a huge hill. Once we reached the top, considering how fast we were going; the car ended up making a huge leap it almost felt like we were flying in the sky. I screamed out of excitement and of course fear as well. All I could really say to Leo at this point was the following... "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKIN MIND OLD MAN!" After I said that, we landed hard on the ground as the car skidded a little to the point where we did hit a few fruit shops, cabbage shops, vegetable stores including some houses that were being used by other humans. "Well, that could have gone better." Leo replied to me feeling relaxed now that the car was at a stop. "Oh, YOU THINK!?" I said a little annoyed at what transpired right now. We both got out. "Damn. My shirt is all dirty thanks to you." The old man laughed. Leo pats my shoulder reassuring me it was the thrill of being excited. He felt younger when he drove that fast back there. It looked like we made it. This was Iris Hills. We grabbed our weapons heading towards the Mayor's house. We barged in hoping to see someone, but no one was there something seemed fishy. It did not look pretty at all. "Uh... house keep—" I could not finish my sentence afterwards. I felt someone chocking the life out of me. I could not talk, I could not breathe, I felt my own life was withering away every second I opened my eyes.

"So, you think you can come here with guns expecting to kill me eh? You must be blind as a bat to consider every single possibility will go your way, you dumb bells." A man with a Sicilian accent whispered in my ear. Dawson laughed. He laughed so hard that liquid started seeping out on the floor burning the wood on the ground. "Drop dead." Dawson grabbed his gun aiming for the man's chest. The Sicilian man grabbed his gun at the right time to shoot at Dawson. Leo Galina started shooting the remaining people within the Iris Hills. Children, Teenagers, Adults. Everyone was not safe. "That's right, get the fuck outta here!" Leo yelled out to the screaming dying corpses that were trying to get out safely but couldn't. "The name is Jo Barbari. What in the hell do you think you are doing slaughtering all my people? I own this city. Iris Hills." Joe was feeling curious as to why two people came into this city, all just to slaughter them all.

Dawson began to swing his gun. He jammed the magazine harshly making it looked like he meant business. "Fuck you!" I decided to shoot the first shot at Jo considering I had a bit of a long day. Jo responded to my action of shooting him, as quick as he was, he grabbed a sword from his backpack shielding him from being hurt by my bullets. "God damn. You're a quick bastard aren't ya" Jo muttered to himself.

Joe grabbed himself on to me with his arms trying to force me on the ground. I grabbed my gun quick aiming for his left leg to try and put a bullet inside. "I had enough of your resistance. Either die like the others or come with us. I don't care how you decide." I said to Jo feeling very pissed off that he wasn't listening to anything we were saying. I didn't want to blurt out our mission.

"Fine. I'll join you guys." Joe barbaro nodded in agreement that he somewhat knew this was a personal matter that these two guys were doing. "Let's get out of here. We've done enough." I said storming off. Leo got in the car gesturing Joe to come over. Joe, Galina and I all went inside going to the next destination that was Vargas Denmark.

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