Chapter 8: Shrouded in White! Showdown in the heart of heaven!

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"What the? Where am I? What is all of this, it's all clouds...and stairs...?" Dawson wondered what all this was about. Was this a trick? Something was not right; it did not seem like someone was playing a trick on him. He decided to follow what was up the stairs. Little by little, his steps were becoming heavy, as a result, he began to feel tired but... ultimately something allowed him to keep on walking, as he kept walking he felt like he began to feel more and more energized; so he pushed himself to keep going up however it just seems like the number of stairs would not stop appearing as if there was not an ending to them.

"This is all extremely overwhelming to see. The clouds, the stairs, the light, the sky. I should probably have a better understanding of what this means. My mind just does not get it. I am not sure where to even begin..." Dawson felt exhausted and sat down on the seventy-fifth floor. He wondered in his mind, what could have possibly been going on? Why would he be here? He had no right to be. He knew his history; he knew this was not right. Yet, here he was. This was no dream at all.

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Dawson saw something strange

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Dawson saw something strange. Was it an angel or a god? He did not know what it was, but he knew it had wings and some sort of bird-like shape, though the way he could make it out was tough because it was extremely fast. Its shape was like a bird, yet it was all white and somewhat divine in his eyes. He didn't know it was divine, but he took a very good educated guess considering the shape, the amount of speed it was going, and where he was. 

"Dawson. You are running late. We're off by three minutes, maybe you should take this time and hurry up?" A heaven commander picked Dawson up from his collar, showing that he meant business. He wasn't fooling around. He continued to pick him up and threw him across the air, sending Dawson near the 91st floor which was considered the main floor of Celestia, which was of course an ancient name that defined what Heaven actually meant to some gods. "You're lucky I didn't shoot you. However, the next time you walk like that, a bullet will make its nest within your soul." The commander chuckled after speaking to Dawson in an intimidating manner, walking away laughing maniacally enjoying his suffering.

"Some welcome this is...." Dawson said feeling a little distant after what happened to him. The commander smirked taking out his blade. He charged quickly hoping to catch Dawson off guard. "Die, you don't deserve to be here anymore!" Dawson quickly dodged and instantly took out his blade to clash with his. "Hmph, I guess we'll have to do things the hard way then. FINE, bring it on because I'm going to bring the fire!" The commander swung his blade four times parrying Dawson's swings with ease. Dawson was starting to feel interested. He slowly transformed. Red aura was gushing out of his body, black mist combined with red aura created some sort of double helix energy that was emitting from Dawson's body. "You shouldn't have done that." Dawson punched the Angel with ease as the heaviness of the hit was devasting. You could almost feel the devastation of the bones within the Angel's body.

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