Chapter 7: Shadow Scars. Death Match in the Underworld!

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Dawson looked through to see if everything was safe. Flashes of dark light crush the chairs within the vicinity. Hades formed the knights of the deathly republic. Two wolves of the dead form up howling within the darkness almost as if they were calling their buddies for support to join them and hades in a battle to the death. Dawson feeling agitated grabs the twin blades he got from the floor and does his best to combine them with the knife he had in his pocket. "Boy. Let's not play these games anymore. You have already lost, and you don't even know it yet. How can you consider victory if it has not been achieved yet? You are already surrounded by so many of my minions, including myself that you do not even have a ghost of a chance of survival or even probable victory at all. This may seem like a difficult choice to make but all you're doing is stalling the inevitable, something fools does when time is not on their side." Hades spoke after trying to kill mercilessly Dawson entering his chambers without his permission.

Dawson dodged the slashes of his blade one after another, he did not take the time to utilize what kind of strategy he could use to figure out a way to dispose of hades on the spot. He went inside of his pocket to grab some flesh-eating needles to try to catch him off guard at the right moment. It did not take hades long to stop and look to see that Dawson was not moving, busy that he was looking for an area to exploit his weaknesses. "Having no mortal body has become rather difficult and cumbersome. There is not enough time in the day to figure out how to move, attack, dodge in a matter of frequencies. This is to be expected. Come, Devil of Greece, I will judge you myself!" Dawson yelled out loud roaring throughout hades chambers.

"Bold words for someone who is trying to understand between being dead and having a mortal body. Reinforcements will not arrive, so it will just be you and me. Death will be dealt with both you and me, so it'll be clean yet filled with dreads of blood on my throne floor. This does not have to end badly, Dawson. There are always other options for you to take, dying ain't one of them." Hades said trying to give Dawson a better alternative towards living a better life.

Hades threw himself forward within the bright ceiling gaining some aerial velocity attempting to latch himself on to Dawson so he could use two of his powerful hands to professionally beat him to a pulp on the ground. Black hazing power rushed throughout hades body; it did not take him much time for him to grow violently with streamlined energy throughout all through his human body. His body stretched with his arms spread out as the black power rushed quickly throughout all of his veins, one after another made its way to hades pressure points, once it did violent lighting gushes of strength messaged the veins making it possible for gigantic amounts of strength to pour in within to make him stronger and powerful.

"Too late to turn back now, kid. I don't suppose you want to run away now, would ya? All the gods know about you. We talk, we interact, we share higher intelligence about every single mortal beings on the planet earth like its secondhand knowledge. The sad part is that I am surprised you don't know about any of this. I cannot blame you for not knowing, you are not part of the god realm, so all mortal ears fall on the deaf, unfortunately. It is a saying we say in the god realm. It means people who cannot understand the gods, are not worthy of being near one or a part of their home. It means you are a defect, stupid, dumb, unintelligent. God or no god, it makes no difference. In these parts of the woods, things get more violent than peaceful. Earth was born by violence, evolution itself is shitty when you get to the root of the cause of why everything must end with violence. All situations end up grim when you look at them, but I understand what you are trying to achieve here. Killing me is not going to make you any less happy; in fact, it's only going to make the situation much worse because all you will be is vastly disappointed in what you'll find out after you do so. I am immortal, clear as day; unfortunately, because of this... I also do not let most of my victims live to tell the tale of their survival against me." Hades went on to continue talking to try to persuade Dawson into not doing what he is about to do to him in the process.

"You get what I mean by all of this, don't you? You are screwed, finished, laid to die on the front of the scene where everyone sees the failure you are. Hero or Villain, it is all the same in the end. Things do not always go the way you want them, even if you try and force it, it is always going to come back to haunt you. It is like a demon or a ghost; it watches your every move whether you like it or not. It's going to be there, none of it goes away." Hades chuckled to himself. He took out his underworld blade swiping it right, left, up, down in all kinds of directions. Opening his palm, a light of darkness was starting to push out of the palm of his hand heading straight towards Dawson at such high speed, it was unlikely for him to dodge it in time.

Dawson seeing the blast tries to dodge it at the right moment. The explosion destroys the library that was found on the 2nd floor of the chambers. Dawson smirked chuckling to himself a little bit, he knew Hades pretty much screwed up at this point. Dawson at that moment smiled at the current events unfolding. "This is starting to get interesting... I am liking where this is all going, I'm starting to get fired up!" Hades responded to Dawson's comment. "Likewise, the feeling is mutual, now stop holding back and let's go all out already!" Both characters powered up. The entire underworld was shaking, even the inhabitants of the world were in fear of what might be happening within the realm. Dawson opened his eyes beginning to speak his mind about what all of this meant. "True, I don't know what it's like to be a god. I don't know what it's like to uphold an honorable title like one. Nor do I know fully how difficult it must be considering what they go through day after day, but I do know this... You have held that title of yours for so long. It is time to give it up. I do not want your status. I would rather take Greek Titan Ares's god title if anything. A god of war versus a god of war. I do like the sound of it, don't you think... Hades?" Hades chuckled at the prospect of such a fight. Of course, while he was imagining it, he could feel the intense strength both of those two could resonate within the battlefield. It might have been one of the most spectacular imagining moments he has had since.

Dawson saw a weapon shaped in a Grape Vine type of structure. It was a blade created and woven in vines within the grape vineyard close by not too far from where they were fighting. "This'll be a nice weapon." Charging forward, Dawson used all he could. He swiped right damaging the left part of Hade's cheek, dropping lets of blood fill the floor as the blood turned dark black. Swiping left while also striking down towards Hade's pelvis. The blood only gushed further and further down penetrating his veins.
Hades ate the devilish fruit he found within his garden. Out poured centuries worth of hatred as well as power. Grabbing Dawson by surprise, he grinds his knees towards the glass doors of the cathedral on the 5th floor. "You aren't half bad; I'll give you that. It's going to take more than that to defeat me." Each of them punched the other in the face. One after another, blood splattered on the floor. Swinging his arm several times in the air; Hades and Dawson collided hard with the intensity of their punches gaining strength within each blow.

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