chapter 2: The New Oregon Massacre

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Me and Leo got out of the vehicle. He whispered to me quietly. All I heard him say to me was "Remember. I don't know you; you don't know me. Let's do this." We both got our own MG 43 weapons as we were able to carry them on foot. New Oregon was an African American Community, so a lot of the populace were pretty much half white/half blacks. Blacks and other racial ethnic groups. Leo pulled out his gun. He shot the nearby gas-station after a few bullets pierced the tanks. An explosion the size of mount Everest filled the buildings nearby it. Flames poured out of the tanks while the other buildings caught on fire. What I saw next was remarkably interesting, he used an extra mag and pushed it into the gun's ammunition area. After that, he changed the gun's mode to a flamethrower to get through almost all the area. The gas station, the stores, everything was put in flames because of the drastic change of the gun's mode. It was quite a powerful mode from the looks of it.

Did I feel bad about doing this? I did, but I was not given a choice. I had to decide. I saw a black child pleading for mercy, I sympathized with him; popping the kid right here would be wrong. I would have felt guilty If I did shoot him. "What's the hold up, kid? No witnesses. Did I not tell ya? Of course, you weren't planning on letting the small shrimp live. That would be an awkward and uncomfortable situation. The only thing that'll be haunting them is the fact that they'll have to play back this scene over and over and over again until they grow up to be full fledge adults with their own children. You really want them to go through that, kid?" Leo said towards me as I questioned what to do next. I honestly took his words to heart. I had no parents; I did not really get the chance to meet or get to know them honestly.

Leo popped the kid for me. Leo knew I could not do something like that as that probably would have been too much for me to handle just on my own. Just when I thought things were going good on our end the authorities or should I say the New Oregon police department decided to show up. With about Twelve Thousand police cars surrounding us, I could not help but feel that our plans on controlling this city would fail. They would yell out to us loudly. "Put your guns down! Put your hands up where we can see them! You aren't going to be getting out of this alive. There's two of you, and a lot of us. You can't possibly do anything now. Leave our community alone and all of this will go away." The sergeants said to us out in public. They didn't seem like the type of people to negotiate well, but it looked like Leo had something up his sleeve.

"Boys." Leo called out to the officers. "Let's not make a scene pointing out our guns like this." He walked towards the officers slowly. Leo grinned a bit grabbing what looked to be a chemical grenade with some embers added within it. "Stop right where you are! That's far enough, okay?! W-We don't want to shoot you, so...don't make us do it!" The black officers were shaking out of fear, they had no idea what Leo was about to do. "So, let's do a wager shall we?" I saw Leo pull out a quarter from the 21st century. "If this lands on heads. I'll let you and your officers live and we'll be on our way. However, if this lands on Tails. All of you and your black community will die. So, heads or tails?"

Sergeant Aquarius began to sweat a bit struggling to know which one would be the right answer. He seemed to be stressed, after some thinking he said to Leo out loud without a second thought. "Heads." Leo laughed flicking the quarter. The quarter flipped once, twice, three times, until... it landed on the floor and the fear on the officers faces as well as Aquarius's reaction was horrible. Aquarius looked pale almost like his entire face was white as a cloud. "I am sorry to do this to you all but, what's mine is now yours so do me a favor. Die. Tell your god a message. African American's do not belong in my paradise nor my cities. Drop dead. Here's your fucking membership to heaven." Leo opened the chemical grenade throwing it between the officer's vehicles. Aquarius pleaded loudly "Lord! Why do you forsake us, why dear god!" A white light surrounded all twelve thousand officers as an immense explosion filled the void of the streets. They were dead.

Dawson could not believe what he saw. A large surge of red flowed through his veins. "Arrrgh! Damn it, why is this happening to me now!" The surge exploded within him as he began to have red eyes. His fingers were expanded having needle like nails. Dawson went on a murder spree killing and destroying any African American within the area of the city that were left. Trails upon trails of blood were spilled throughout the entire floor including the streets that had some people near it. The blood on his face said it all. He could not believe what he just did. "Let us just go.... I am getting tired of this place already."

Leo nodded understanding the boy's uncomfortable manner. "Sure, I have no problem with that at all. We just have two more things to take care of first." Leo reloaded his gun heading into the Mayor's office. "If you know what's good for you, you will revoke your status as mayor and hand it to me." The Mayor felt offended by this. "Hell no. Why in the hell would I give you my job title, you didn't earn anything out of it. So, fuck you." Leo shook his head in disappointment. "I hate that it had to come to this, but you have left me with no other choice. This could have been solved with a lot less bloodshed but since you want to be this difficult, I hope you enjoy your ticket to heaven because you're going to need it." Leo shoved the gun within the mayor's throat pulling the trigger once, twice, three times and what looked to be about twenty-eight times in a row. His guts were all over the place.

"Come on kid. We still have the Governor office." Leo barged in the door of the governor shooting his chest. "Revoke your status or you'll share the same fate of the mayor. I'm not playing no games." Leo was aggressive this time. So, he really was not kidding. Governor Matbucha nodded grabbing a list of papers for his resigning. He placed a piece of paper that showed the transferring of the governor status. "Make the kid governor. He deserves it after all he has been through." Leo said asking me to be governor. It seemed like I was the new governor of New Oregon. Though, I didn't like the name, so I wanted to change it.

"Thanks for the transfer. Tell your god you're going to meet him now." Leo used a pistol at Matbucha's face popping his head off with one bullet. It was fast, it was accurate, it hit his throat. "I have a wife and kids." Matbucha said pleading to Leo Galata. He tried gasping for air. "Kids? Wife? Why would a black man such as you want those? Those are just baggage. You should probably consider retirement while you still can. In hell, that is. Heh." Leo shot the final bullet as it pierced Matbucha's skull piercing his brain. "Sorry kid." Leo said towards me. "I know that was not something you wanted to see but I had to do what needed to be done. At least the city is ours now. Let us consider our plans on the final two cities before we come up with something else." I nodded heading out to see where we should go next. I was scared but I was mentally prepared for this even though this might have made a convict or an accomplice.

I had to do this though. If I went back on my word, I might have been accused of lying to Leo risking myself to be killed by my only friend for now. A small part of me liked the Black Community, but I knew deep down it was either them or me. I could not just die early; my life was just beginning to open. I had to do something to grasp its contents while it was still near me. Sure, I knew some people would consider me to be a horrible person, but I had no choice in the matter. I had to do this for my future.

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