Chapter 4: The Vargas Denmark Raid

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Dawson was sitting in the back of the car as he was feeling rather exhausted from driving so much. He grabbed a cigarette from Joe's cartons on the floor. He grabbed some lighter fluid and began to light his cigarette feeling the greatness of the nicotine. He opened his eyes suddenly looking at Joe and Leo. He began to speak slowly after that. "So, where are we heading guys? Our last destination should be Vargas Denmark if I'm not I not?" Dawson said with a smile as his eyes were not lighting in pure bright red now.

"Yeah. Just sit back. If we ever stop at a 7-Eleven, we'll let you know." Joe said sarcastically considering all the 7-Eleven's were blown up in the Year 3,000 because some Japanese guy was strapping himself in some explosives detonating the headquarters which forced the closing of the remaining stores globally across the world as a result. "Ah. Woman, they really are the world's best treasure. The body, the liquid cream in their butt's. I remember nailing this hot black chick back home. Her breasts were an H cup bra size. I don't know what the black community is doing to their females but they sure are doing a damn good job at making them grow with such huge ballistics'. I really must thank the mothers who let them have all that breast milk when they are younger though.

I rested my eyes in the passenger seat for a few hours. I had a bit of a long day; I did not want anyone bothering me because I did not want to deal with anyone. We had one last massacre to do but, I guess this was the last one for a while. An idea popped in my head, so I thought I could share with the group. "Hey, do you think we'll have dragons around this time period?" I said to the entire group. "What the hell do you think this is? A video game? This is not Dragon Age Origins or Skyrim. Get your head out of the gutter already." Joe shut down my idea. He thought it was hilarious but, it was a good thought, nevertheless. I thought maybe it could be real if I dreamed a little bit.

Vargas Denmark was an extraordinarily rich country not too far from where we were. We called it the Shindou City. A Japanese metropolis. There was Shrines. If you were Japanese, you were part of it. The only people that were not allowed within the city were Mongols. They had a hard history with these people. So, we are going to go inside dressing as Mongols. I went and got dressed. I had my mask ready. My traditional Katana. I called it the Honjo Masamune. One of the Legendary swords made by the greatest blacksmith Masamune himself. "Damn. This baby cuts clean and deep at the same time. I cannot wait to kill some Japanese soldiers with this weapon."

"Halt." The Japanese Guardsman said to us while we were in our car. "Do you have the license?" Joe questioned the guardsman asking him for more information. "For what? How to drive? Be more specific you crazy Jap." The Guardsman narrowed his eyes almost insulted at the fact he called him Japanese. He grabbed his Naginata approaching Joe barbaro slowly. "Well, if you really want to die so badly. I'd be happy to give you an early funeral to go see one of your gods. Ya shit!" Joe struck the Guardsman with his Wakizashi. Deepening the wound, he pushes the wakizashi to the deepest part of the Guardsman's body splashing a whole lot of blood on the floor painting the walls with the blood on the weapon. "Damn. These things really do kill. I got to hand it to the Japanese. They really do know how to make their stuff deadly. If only the Greeks could learn a thing or two from them." Joe said laughing.
"Alright." Leo said informing everyone about the plan. "We go in. We need to be prepared about how we go about this."

A Young woman wearing a kimono approached the three young men. "Welcome—Mongols.... but.... why? I thought we exterminated them all...." The woman grabbed her Tanto preparing for an all-out attack against the three men. "I do not wish to attack. What I do want is for us to communicate. Can we not come to a mutual agreement and talk?" The woman in the kimono was talking to the three guys. She had her Tanto ready in case things went south, but it did seem like the cease fire was failing the more she tried to ask for it for them. "Mother." The strange girl approached the three men. "Dawson. What are you doing with these two strangers, it has been far too long since our last meet up?" "Wait... you.... Can't possibly be..." Dawson said confused as to who was talking to him. "You do not recognize your own friend, Luminaria? Did you think I would just up and disappear like dust? I am far more tougher to take down than you think. Better yet, why would your allies threaten my mother? Surely that is grounds of me killing you anyway." Seeing Luminaria since the test was almost a dream come true, I never knew this was her home. I felt bad. However, once Joe took a shot from his gun things turned for the worst quickly. Love was something I could not understand. Everyone had a family but me. I needed a woman to choose me. But what woman would? I didn't want a busty woman, nor a sexy woman, or an ugly woman for that matter. Someone who believes in me, treats me like... an actual human being... not as like a joke. I mean, sure she needed to be beautiful as well but.... All of that didn't matter unless she herself decided to choose me.

Joe pulled out his gun heading towards Luminaria. Dawson, pushing Joe away from her starts to feel a little defensive about this action. "Are you out of your god damn mind!" Leo pulled his gun out near my forehead. "Son. I gave you a choice. You own two cities now because of us. You own two of them because of not just me. So, don't go and do something stupid like betraying us for these two pop tarts. So, who's it going to be? Them or us?" Leo was forcing me to choose between my childhood friend or him.

"I choose her." Leo smirked. Reloading his gun violently, he waves his hand holding his gun quickly shooting at such a close range. "Wrong answer." The kimono woman used her Tonto quickly to stab Galante in the chest violently. She deepens the wound extremely. She looked up at his dying gasp as she stabbed him. "Warriors come in all shapes and sizes. However, you act like big shot. Proud, untouchable, overly confident. Yet you do not see bigger picture. You vouch for every opportunity. You want every single kill. Every single death. You enjoy spilling blood in world yet do not consider the consequences of those deaths. Sayonara. Demon." Pulling out the Tanto quick out of Galante's chest. The Kimono woman narrowed her eyes focusing on the blood that spilled. The spill crashed all the way down her Tanto. She licked the blood smoothly feeling a rush of adrenaline suddenly from the kill she took. "You mess with our country; you get what's coming to you in the end."

Dawson was surprised in awe to see Luminaria's mother kill off Galante so quick in such a short amount of time. All Dawson could say now was "Badass. You got to be freaking kidding me man." The Kimono woman went to Dawson. "My name is Shi Tzuna. Luminaria's mother. It's nice to meet you."

Dawson smiled. "Greetings." He said Bowing with respect. Dawson asked if he could come inside of Shi Tzuna's home. She reluctantly agreed as Dawson, went inside with her permission of course. Shi asked Dawson to sit down as she didn't want him to stand up after all of the driving towards where they lived. "Oh, no. I would not want to oppose or anything. What about Joe? Is he going to be okay?" Dawson asked Shi. She shook her head giggling to herself a little bit after hearing him say that. "He's going to die. We always come up with unique ways of how to deal with morons who don't know any better. Do we feel bad about idiots? Not really, but that should not stop us from protecting our land from a ravage horde of idiocy." Dawson laughed at what she said to him and her daughter.

The Terada Shogunate barged into her home with blades of steel. "Minayashi Kuroganate. Former Empress of the Useagi Empire of the richness land of our country. We cannot stand by idling without a head to mount without a glorious victory in our hands. You, Shi Tzuna. Empress of the late ancestor of the Uesugi Empire. You are herby executed for the betterment of Japan's financial prosperity. The raid will now begin." The Shogunate grabbed their katana's beginning to make way towards Shi and the others with such persistence. One foot forward, right food forward, each step they took became menacing the further they came towards them. One swordsman raised their blade so high to the point it seemed like they were about to cut down a large tree. When suddenly, a large clash stopped the blade from striking them. Her husband just in the nick of time blocked the blade from endangering them further. Hideyoshi Nakumori. Late Cousin of the great ancestor Toyotomi Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes at the situation in front of him. "So, you have chosen death it looks like. No matter what intentions you have against my family or clan, my decision is clear that I must take down you as well as your subordinates in order to restore the chaos within the land." Her husband took out a Matchlock. He began to hide behind some cover shooting one or two rounds at one of the soldiers. One of the bullets missed, the other shot grazed the soldier. "What's wrong?" Said the soldier that was grazed by the Matchlock. "I thought the Japanese were more formidable then this. How can you ever call yourself Japanese if you can't even hit me?" The Soldier took out his own Murata Rifle. The rifle was long, slim, has a smooth surface. One of the soldiers began to shoot blindly at everything in sight within the house. The other soldiers took out their Murata rifles and did the samething as their friend was doing.

Dawson grabbed the Honjo Masamune dodging the bullets that were being shot at within the household. "I don't know what kind of grudge or struggle or whatever plan you have against her. However, you can't just do whatever you want or rather... kill whatever you want. I can't believe I have to solve this crap." Dawson used the Honjo Masamune striking down one of the soldiers impaling their head within the blades tip. Following up his previous attack against the first soldier, he turns the blade sideways slowly clean slicing the second soldier continuing on with the third soldier, looking up at the last soldier he notices that the gun he is holding is preparing to fire another round of bullets within Dawson's direction. Dawson swine dives to the nearest wall corner hoping the bullets don't connect towards his body. "Damn. They really are out for blood..." Dawson said to himself.

Nakumori went towards the third dead corpse soldier using his blood. He was preparing to do some unnatural sorcery magic. He was preparing to use their own blood against them; the tactic seemed rather impressive. He took out a small glass of alcohol pouring it on the blood on the fourth soldier. Nakumori then grabbed some matches he had lighting one of them, he dropped it on the alcohol lighting it all on fire. The flame turned purplish red, switching the flame into something of a supernatural phenomenon. The man's screams were horrifying. Spirits of the undead flew up through the skies taking the man's soul with them back to Ikki-Mukai. The spiritual world of the undead. Everything faded to black and white afterwards. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal right now.

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