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So many things had happened since Link and I confessed our love to each other.

A wondrous and magnificent wedding had occurred a month after his proposal. Such event was adored and cherished by all people of Hyrule from all corners. I had never shed so many tears of joy as such in my whole life. The same had been said about Link. The celebration had been as grandiose as the wedding itself, and if I could be bold, our honeymoon had been exploding like a million fireworks. And soon afterwards, signs of me carrying children had been shown. Link's happiness was otherworldly when he had found the news of him to soon becoming a father. As for my father, he had been overjoyed to know that he would become a grandfather. As if that joy hadn't been enough as a blessing, Link and I had been blessed to welcome not one child into this world, but twins.

A son that we named Torah, and a daughter that carried my namesake, Zelda.


10 years had passed since the coming of our beautiful children into our lives.

Link had gotten used to carry the royal title of Prince Escort. Being addressed as "Your Highness" was really bothering him at first. Until these days, it still did. But he knew he couldn't change it. It has been nine years since I first carried the title of Queen of Hyrule. Juggling between monarchy and parenthood was difficult at first for the both of us, but we managed to succeed finding a perfect balance.

Both of our children took something after us. Zelda reminded me of how Link's childhood would have been if he had been born as a girl. She loved practicing her swordplay with her father. She also possessed a little tomboyish persona to herself; much like my mother in her youth. Her adorable blue eyes were known to hide a little mischievousness at times. As for Torah, our son, his passion bloomed when he studied along my side. His green eyes would glow wonderfully when he'd ask me a million questions about the past of our kingdom. Not long ago, Link was the same in my tutoring of him. Besides their occasional bickering, Torah and Zelda were very protective of each other. Torah even projected his sister against a wild dog ago once, despite not being as brave as her. Compared to the childhood that Link and I had, they didn't have any difficulty mingling with the town's other children. Of course, they had their fair of fights and shenanigans, but they got along well with their little band. With distant supervision, of course.

Link had always been fascinated by the ancient tales that were passed down through history. Recently, he had made a remarkable discovery in his research that he had been conducting over the few years. And quite frankly, I was surprised of its location. It was in the Hebra region, northwest of our castle trapped in a canyon. Our daughter and Link were already on site with some soldiers, Robbie, Purah, Terako and with Sheikah researchers. Impa, Torah, and I were about to depart along with our team as well.

"Well, I believe that we're all set." I said as we were outside near the tower. "Ready to explore, Torah?"

"You bet!" He said with enthusiasm! "I can't wait to see the temple that Dad discovered! Do you think it's related to the heroes of the past? There might be a possibility to find old relics left as well."

For that sort of curiosity, it was something that he definitely took from his father. I giggled at his adorableness.

"Father," I looked to my left. "We will return in a few hours."

My father nodded. Despite being older, he had retained some of his vigor. Since my coronation, he had retired from the life of politics and spent his days writing his memoires and reading. Zelda and Torah enjoyed spending time with him and vice-versa. My father was a great storyteller. Before bed, he would tell them the many adventurous tales that he, my mother and Urbosa shared in their youth. I didn't know how many of these stories he had; Link and I felt he had hundreds more as the children always seemed more amazed and surprised with each passing day.

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