2 - In which Damien makes some mistakes and Mari plays a prank.

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(Aww that cat is cuuuuute! Whoever drew that has some amazing talent. Anyway, this is what I imagine Coccinella looking like! She's got Mari's eyes. Beautiful. Okay, on with the story!)

*-* Sunday Morning - Evening *-*

~3 r d - P E R S O N - P. O. V.~

On her first day in the house, Marinette established her place. Her place in which everyone else was below her, of course. She allowed no one to touch her, much less pick her up. She hissed at anyone who got within a foot of her and often stayed across the room from everyone else. She only allowed people near her when they carried offerings, such as food or toys. 

Although she had a tough demeanor, she seemed to have a soft spot for Alfred, and would let him give her a soft pat on the head. 

The funny thing to everyone was that Coccinella behaved more like a human than a cat. She only ate human food, meowed at them almost scoldingly, like they were doing something wrong, and even "read" when Jason pulled out a book from the library. Coccinella established that she was going to be a very intimidating member of the household. And it was only her first day. 


~D A M I E N - P. O. V.~

Damien was frustrated. Every time he took out a snack, Coccinella was there, meowing and asking for food. Finally, he took out some cat food he had (for Alfred) and put it in a bowl that was set out for her. She walked up to it, sniffed it, and walked away, not giving it another thought. Damien huffed in exasperation. He'd have to find another way to get her to eat the cat food. She couldn't just go around eating human food her whole life! 


~M A R I - C O C C I - P. O. V.~

Marinette had coaxed everyone into giving her human food. Everyone except for the youngest, whom she now knew as Damien. But she was persistent. She walked up and meowed as loud as she possibly could in front of him whenever he entered the kitchen, but to no avail. At last, he pulled something out of the pantry and went to open it. 

Marinette caught a glimpse of the label and internally gagged. Cat food. Really? she thought while Damien opened the can and poured it into her bowl. She went up to it to sniff it. Nope. Nope. Nopetty nope nope nope. No way did I live in the finest bakery in all of Paris my whole life to resort to eating cat food. She then ran back to where she had slept that night, which was the living room, and thought of a plan to get back at him for trying to make her eat that junk. It was perfect.


That evening, Marinette snuck into the dining room before anyone had gotten there. The plates had been set by Alfred beforehand. In Marinette's mouth was a spoon, full of that revolting cat food. She quietly jumped onto Damien's usual chair and saw what was on his plate. Mashed potatoes, she thought. Perfect. Marinette took the spoon of cat food and carefully mixed it into his mashed potatoes. Alfred always left bits of potato skin in the mashed potatoes, so it just looked like he had left a little extra skin in Damien's. Marinette smiled. This was going to be so fun. 


~D A M I E N - P. O. V.~

Damien stepped into the dining room and sat down. He looked at his plate. Funny, he thought. Alfred never puts this much potato skin in his mashed potatoes. Damien decided not to think much of it, and instead took a bite. This was when Damien realized something was wrong. 

He watched everyone mumble about how much they liked it, and Jason even went as far as to congratulate Alfred on another delicious meal. But Damien couldn't understand. For something everyone thought was delicious, this sure tasted disgusting. He slowly swallowed and took another bite, gagged, and then made his way across the room to a trash bin to spit it out. 

"Is something wrong, Master Damien?" Alfred said, coming up behind him. 

"Oh. I- I.....um.....no. Nothing is wrong, Alfred." He said, and went back to his dinner. He stared down at his plate, and saw that the little brown pieces actually looked nothing like mashed potatoes. They looked like.....bits of cat food. He gave a small gasp and looked up, trying to find looks of guilt or laughter on anyone's faces. Nothing. Then his eyes strayed onto the floor, where Coccinella was sitting. She had a surprisingly smug look on her face, almost as if she knew this was going to hap-

"Why you little-" he shouted, lunging for her. She dodged him, and ran away. He chased her, but she was so small and fast that it was quite difficult. Then, Coccinella jumped into someone's arms. Damien looked up. Alfred. It had to be Alfred. 

"Master Damien?" Alfred said, looking extremely concerned.

"Alfred! Tell this little-" he stopped, realizing that even if he had proof, no one would believe that Coccinella put the cat food in his plate. Cats weren't supposed to be this smart. But somehow, he got stuck with the smart, vengeful cat. Why, oh why did it have to be me? he thought glumly. He sighed. 

"It's nothing, Alfred. I'm just tired, I guess. I'll be in my room if you need me." He started to walk up the stairs, but turned and gave Coccinella a 'I'll get you for this' look before going up the rest of the way.


~M A R I - C O C C I - P. O. V.~

Marinette couldn't help but giggle to herself after Damien left. She had to be carried back to the living room by Alfred, but it was worth it to see the look on Damien's face when he realized what he was eating. Too good, she thought. But I'll have to be on the lookout. Damien will want to get me back after this. I'm just glad no one realized it was me. Or that Damien had cat food in his mashed potatoes at all.  

She hugged her tail close to her. Being a cat was much more fun than it seemed. She thought briefly about going up to the library to consult some books about her situation (she knew that they had a lot of books), but then decided against it. There's always tomorrow, she thought before settling down to sleep. Always tomorrow.

Yeah! Chapter 2 is done! I hope I did that prank justice. If you liked it, just wait until you see what Damien does in the next chapter. 

Again, thank you for reading. It really means more than you can imagine. Also, I don't really have an update schedule, I just write when I get time and then publish. Some chapters take longer than others. I can promise, however, that chapters won't take me longer than a week to finish. I can do that much, at least :P

I don't have any more to say, so I guess this is goodbye. 'Till next time, Sunyy out!

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