8 - In which the Kwamis get to eat.

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(Changed last chapter's title because it didn't make sense. Also I didn't know art could be this cute! Look at Carapace! And Rena Rouge! And Chat Noir! And EVERYBODY!! I want life to be like this. *Le sigh* I also recently realized that i'm spelling Damian's name like 'Damien'. It's a subtle difference but I feel so stupid. Argh. Okay, this will never happen again.)

*-* (Still) Wednesday - Mid Morning *-*

~C H L O E - P. O. V.~

Chloe heard her phone buzz, and pulled it out to see a message on the Miraculous wielders' group chat.

Kitty Chat: So. I talked with Plagg. Apparently, the butler was Duusu's wielder a while back. They both said we should tell the Waynes about......everything.

Chloe looked up. Kagami was staring at her phone quizzically. She looked up and tilted her head at Chloe. Chloe took a deep breath then turned back to her phone.

Queenie: If Plagg says it's okay, I don't see why not. He may joke around, but he does care. He knows what he's talking about.

Foil&Fire: I see your point. I sense the Waynes are trustworthy.

Chloe walked to the center of the room. She lifted her arms and cupped her mouth with her hands. 

"Attention! Attention, s'il vous plaît!" Damian, still leaning against the wall in the corner, rolled his eyes and glared at her.

"You don't need to yell. We're all right here." Chloe scoffed.

"No, I was yelling for Bruce. Now that he's here," she motioned to where Bruce was standing, in the doorway,

"We have an announcement." Multiple eyebrows were raised. 

"We weren't going to tell you, but decided to because it might help the investigation. You know, it's probably best if we showed you." She stared at them, then opened her purse a tiny bit and smiled down at her kwami. 

"Pollen, buzz on!" Chloe was filled with exhilaration. It had been a while since she had transformed into Honey Bee, and boy it felt good. She opened her eyes and basked in the feeling of wearing her costume again. 

Its honeycomb-patterned underlay, with gold accents and black boots that go up to her thighs to connect with her costume. Matching shoulder-high gloves and classic ponytail with gold highlights completed the look. She loved her new costume because it was more subtle than the bright yellow of Queen Bee's. She opened her eyes and beamed. Adrien and Kagami chose this moment to transform thenmeslves as well.

Chat Noir's outfit had not changed much over the years, simply growing to fit Adrien as he did. Ryûko's outfit, however, had changed a little bit. The stripe on her left leg now stretched over her left arm, replacing the glove. The glove and boot-like thing on her right arm and leg were now longer.

Alfred was the only person in the room not staring wide eyed at all three of the heroes. 

"You-" Dick stuttered. Tim was mumbling to himself, and Jason was blinking repeatedly, as if trying to get rid of something in his eyes. Chloe turned to see Bruce staring at Alfred's slightly smiling face with a look that said, 'please tell me you didn't know about this.' Chloe chuckled.

"I assume that this 'Marinette' is the hero Ladybug? It is the only logical explanation." Chloe turned to Damian, whose face showed no emotion. Chloe smirked, detransforming. 

Alfred disappeared and then reappeared, this time with a tray of cheese, honeycomb, and giant chilis. (This is just what I imagine Pollen and Longg would eat.)

"Thanks, Alfie!" Plagg jumped out of Adrien's now detransformed form. Dick shrieked. 

"What. Is. That!?" Adrien grinned at him.

"This is Plagg, my kwami. Kwamis are little gods that represent an idea. They give us our powers when we are transformed. Pollen, Chloe's kwami, is the kwami of subjection and Longg, Kagami's kwami, is the kwami of perfection. Mari's kwami, Tikki, and Plagg are the most powerful, as they are the kwamis of creation and destruction."

"Okay...that's a lot to take in." Jason put a hand to his forehead. Tim just watched in amazement as the kwamis ate. 

"Right. Now, I suppose you'll want the full explanation?" Chloe sat down again and started to talk.

Hi! I'm sorry, we went on vacation and I wasn't able to update. Kitty Love now has over 2k views! That makes me feel so happy! I know this chapter is a bit short, but I just wanted to get the reveal over with and didn't really know how? The next chapter will be more filler and fluff. Thank you for your patience! 

Sunyy out!

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