3 - In which Damian takes his revenge and Isabella is a wreck.

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(Hello! I'm sorry this chapter took a little bit longer, but I've been bogged down by work and haven't had much time. But I'm still here! And I'm working on figuring out some major plot points that in my excitement for writing a story, I completely forgot (ex. part of the middle and the END). I also wanted to clarify that when I say 'P.O.V', I usually mean third person limited. Anyway, I hope you like this next chapter. See you at the end!)

*-* Monday Morning - Afternoon *-*

~D A M I E N - P. O. V.~ 

By morning, Damien had come up with the perfect plan. He had carefully gotten up before dawn, snuck to the kitchen, and got out the cat food. He took some out, mixed a little bit of flour into it, and shaped it with his hands. When he was done, it looked like a sausage. He then took a veggie sausage from the fridge and put both in a pan, making sure to keep track of which one was his. 

~M A R I - C O C C I - P. O. V.~

Mari woke up in a good mood. Turns out making other people unknowingly eat cat food really makes you feel good about yourself.

She walked into the kitchen, where Damien was cooking sausages. He saw her, and passed her one. It smelled.....fishy. Literally. Oh well, she thought. A sausage is a sausage. She quickly gobbled it up.

Five minutes later, Marinette had thrown up. Thrice. 

I guess a sausage isn't a sausage.

She knew this was Damien's work, but the look of horror and guilt on his face when she threw up the second time was enough to extinguish any thoughts of revenge. The fact that Bruce came in and banned him from any weapons for two weeks didn't hurt either. 

She felt super nauseous, and sleepy. She felt Alfred pick her up, but was too tired to care. She fell into a deep stupor, and felt soft, warm hands petting her. 


When Marinette woke up, she was in a very white room. She sat up, and saw Selina in the corner, reading a book. When she saw that she was awake, she walked over. 

"Hello, little one," Selina said, beaming at her kindly.

"You were asleep for quite a while." Marinette meowed at her, letting her pet her softly. A vet came in and talked to Selina for a while before leaving. While they were speaking to one another, Mari made a decision.

I'm going to let people pet me and hold me. If I'm stuck as a cat, might as well enjoy it, right?

Selina turned her attention back to Mari. 

"Let's get you home, 'Nella."


Meanwhile, back at the ra- uh- manor...

~D A M I E N - P. O. V.~

Damien felt very guilty about the cat food incident. He was also quite upset that he couldn't carry any weapons on him for two whole weeks. What if he needed to stab someone? Like Todd?

He was sitting, submerged in his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. He opened it to see a girl, probably Tim's age, at the door. Her eyes were dull and had bags under them, and her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while. 

"Is Tim here?" she asked, sounding more tired than anyone he'd ever met. 

"Who's asking?" he said, concerned that this tired, disheveled person had turned up at his door, asking to see his brother. 

"Just tell him Isabella's here." she said.

"Drake!" Damien shouted to the whole house. 

"Someone named Isabella is here to see you!" Tim came down, eyebrows scrunched. He came to the door, and peeked out. 

"Izzie? What are you doing here? And why do you look like you need a large cup of coffee? If that's what you need, then feel free. We have tons." he said, motioning for her to come in. 

"Thanks, Tim, but that's not why I'm here. Do you remember a while ago I made friends with that French girl? Marinette?" Tim nodded. 

"Yeah, you were singing her praises for a week. What about her?" Isabella sighed loudly.

"She's been missing for the past three days. Her parents and I have looked everywhere, but she's just, gone!" Her eyes widened. Tim sat her down on a sofa. 

"Okay. Tell me what happened. From the beginning." Tim handed her one of the coffees he kept on hand in the living room.

"Okay." she said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Marinette was going to meet me at this café, but she never turned up.  I went outside to check if she was trying to find the place, which is ridiculous because we meet there a lot." Isabella laughed sadly. 

"And I found her bag. In an alley. Right outside." Tim nodded for her to continue and Damien sat down next to him. Isabella took a big sip of coffee.

"Right. Then I called her and realized that her phone was in her bag. So I called her parents. They didn't know where she was either. I called the cops, but they told me that it's not technically a missing persons case until they haven't turned up for 24 hours. So I searched for her by myself. Don't worry, I carried my dagger." she said, seeing the concern plaguing Tim's face.

"So, I couldn't find her. I waited until the next day, same time, then called her parents again. They had booked the next flight over. They're coming today. I kept searching. I got some help from the police, but I think they think she's.....you know." tears started to run down her cheeks. 

"And è appena, non so cosa fare, Tim! Rivoglio solo indietro il mio migliore amico. Non so cosa farò senza di lei!" (And it's just, I don't know what to do, Tim! I just want my best friend back. I don't know what I'm going to do without her!) she said, hyperventilating. Tim nodded. 

"I know. I'll ask Bruce if we can help you out. For now, go home and get some rest. You look so tired that I doubt coffee can help. And I believe that coffee can fix pretty much anything." Isabella chuckled softly.

"Okay. Okay. Sleep. Yes. That sounds nice." Suddenly, her eyes drooped and she started to snore softly. Tim motioned for Damien to help him grab a blanket for her. Then they left the room. 


"Bruce." Tim said, busting into his office. 

"We have an emergency." Bruce looked up from his work, one eyebrow raised. 

"What is it? Did we run out of coffee again?" he watched Damien come in after him and looked a little more concerned. 

"There's a missing person, father." Damien said. 

"And Drake's friend has passed out on the couch." Bruce stood up. 

"Are they okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned. 

"Yes. Just tired. From searching. For the missing person." 

"Name?" Bruce asked.

"Marinette. Dupain-Cheng. I think." Tim answered. 

"Got it. I'll check it out. Why don't you two go do some research?" Tim nodded and dragged Damien out of the room.

Hi again! I hope you liked the chapter! I'm gonna give you a hint as to what's happening next chapter: we will get to see some familiar faces. And Mari truly embraces her inner house cat. 

Anyway, I have to go, and I don't really have anything left to say, so Sunyy out! 

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