5 - In which Mari gets a heart and Chloe (understandably) yells at Bruce.

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(Hi! This chapter took a little bit longer, but I really wanted to get it perfect, and I had writers block. Lucky me! Slight fluff, but you really can't push it when one of them is a cat. I possibly did not think this through.)

*-*  Still Tuesday - Late Afternoon Through Evening *-*

~D A M I E N - P. O. V.~

Damien was reading a book. Comfortably seated in a chair in the warmest part of the living room, with Coccinella curled up in his lap. 

He was reading The Hobbit, and it seemed like Coccinella was reading too. She would hiss at times when Damien tried to turn the page, then press it with her nose when she was 'done'. Which was crazy, because cats couldn't read. Right?

Of all the cats that could have fallen off the side of our house, why did it have to be the smart one?

Soon, she grew disinterested, and settled down to take a nap. She looked so sweet, and Damien smiled. He leaned over and put a small kiss on her head. Her eyes flitted open long enough to give Damien a harsh glare, but she quickly fell back into her slumber. 

He smiled triumphantly. Ha! The Devil Cat does have a heart! 


~M A R I - C O C C I - P. O. V.~

Marinette was having a great deal of fun. Tim had been quite nice, and it turns out that letting people pet her was a really pleasant experience. 

She hadn't read the book that she and Damien were reading. She was quite liking it when she started to feel sleepy. She didn't like this part of being a cat. The constant need to sleep was really quite annoying. She also didn't like that she couldn't make any faces. She couldn't roll her eyes, smile, laugh, or scrunch up her eyebrows like she did when she was thinking hard. She internally sighed. Another thing I can't do anymore.

She drifted into a daze of half sleep, dreaming of the Miraculous, Tikki, and cats. She felt something soft on her head and awoke. She realized what happened. Oh my god. Damien just kissed the top of my head. I am so going to-

She then remembered the multiple times she had kissed cats on the tops of their heads, and that Damien didn't know that she was really a human. She turned, gave him a look, and went back to sleep. She could practically feel his smug look baring into the back of her head.


~C H L O E - P. O. V.~

Chloe, Adrien and Isabella arrived at Wayne Manor and were greeted by who Chloe could assume were Tim Drake and Jason Todd, who directed them to the living room. Chloe recognized Damien sleeping in a chair with a cat curled up in his lap. Jason pulled out his phone and snapped a few photos. 

"Blackmail material!" he shouted, waking Damien up. He blinked a few times, then yawned and started petting the cat.

"Who's this?" Isabella said, walking over to the cat. The cat looked up at her with wide eyes, then looked behind her to where Chloe and Adrien were sitting and purred. Loudly. She then wrapped herself around all three of their legs and settled in Chloe's lap. 

"This is Coccinella. Newest edition to our family. She arrived on Saturday."  Damien said sleepily.

Bruce entered the room. Adrien and Chloe, having been in the same room with powerful people before, were only slightly intimidated. In fact, the only one really intimidated was Isabella. Coccinella even jumped up onto his shoulder, holding clumps of his hair for support. It took all of Chloe's strength not to giggle at the sight of the legendary Bruce Wayne, looking perfectly normal while a cat was sitting on his head. Coccinella eventually jumped down and went back to Damien. 

"Right. Please tell me about your friend." Bruce said, settling in an armchair. Isabella looked at him thoughtfully. 

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's 19, and she lives here in Gotham. She went missing on Saturday."

"And there were no clues as to where she went?" 


"Okay. Well, I'll do all I can but all the evidence seems to point to her-" No no no no no.

"I'm sorry." Chloe cut him off. 

"But how would you feel if he went missing?" she pointed to Damien.

"You probably wouldn't feel all too great. You'd probably spend every second searching for him." she stood up.

"You don't have to help us. You didn't know Marinette. At all. You didn't know what she did for me. What she sacrificed for everyone. She may not be as rich as YOU, Mr. Wayne, but she DESERVES to have people LOOKING FOR HER. Marinette" she spat the word like it was poison.

"DESERVES more than a half-done job. I used to bully her, Mr. Wayne. I hated her. Yet, when I came crying, she comforted me. She forgot about years of me mistreating her, and helped me when I was in a dark place. Have you ever met a person like that?" she stood in silence for a moment.

"Probably not. When one of our classmates, who BY THE WAY was also mean to her for a few years, lost their cat, she spent days searching for it, and found it. A cat. She AT LEAST deserves to be looked for with the same care. So you don't have to spent a cent searching for my friend. You don't deserve to find my friend. My friend deserves someone who cares." Chloe was crying now, and she was practically radiating with anger. 

Adrien put a hand on Chloe's shoulder and brought her back down. 

"Chloe shouldn't have overeacted like that. But, she is right. Mari is the kindest, sweetest, gentlest person to ever walk this earth. You know about what happened in Paris, I assume?" Bruce nodded.

"Mari wasn't a hero, but she played a big role. She would help people try to calm down so they wouldn't get akumatized. She put herself in danger multiple times to save civilians and even once put herself in danger to protect an akuma because one of the heroes was going to accidentally hurt it. She was an angel, Mr. Wayne. She deserves the best."

Chloe breathed deeply. Adrien sure gave some good reasons. 

Bruce's eyes softened and he smiled. 

"I was going to say that all the evidence is pointing to her being missing via magical means. A meta, perhaps? Or something else, maybe?"

Chloe went beet red. 

"I'm so sorry im so sorry im so sorryyyyy" she groaned into her hands. 

"It's fine. Really. It was nice to see you standing up for your friend. I'm sure she would be proud."

Chloe could hear Coccinella making loud purrs, staring straight at her from Damien's lap. She leaned over to pet her and took a deep breath. 

Mari, wherever you are, we're going to find you. No matter what.

Next chapter done! I really like this one. I really like having characters yell at each other. Does that say something about me?

Anyway, thanks for reading. Please comment, they make my day.

Until next time, Sunyy out!

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