7 - In which Alfred tells his tale, Dami has questions, & Plagg plays detective.

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(Credit to the amazing artist who drew this!!)

*-* Wednesday, Mid-Morning *-*

~P L A G G - P. O. V.~

"Adrien?" Plagg whispered as they walked up the steps to the manor. Kagami had arrived that morning, and they had all agreed to meet up and plan their next step.

"What is it Plagg?"

"When we get inside, can I go and do some investigating? I want to make sure that Tikki's prescence really was there."

"Sure. We'll go to the living room and you can explore the rest of the house."

Tim opened the door for them and Adrien made it a point to open his jacket wide while he took it off, giving Plagg lots of room to get out. 

Plagg quickly zipped out while Tim wasn't looking. He flew around for a while before feeling a weird pull towards the kitchen. He followed it and saw some writing in cereal on the counter. 

"Tikki." He whispered. He gasped when he saw what was written, then asked to no one in particular,

"When did this happen?" What Plagg was not expecting was an answer. 

"Sometime last night, actually." said a voice, and Plagg turned to see a familiar face smiling back at him.

"What!? How are you here? I- she- we watched you die!


~A D R I E N - P. O. V.~

Adrien, Kagami and Chloe were led to the living room, where Isabella, Damien, Jason, Dick and Coccinella were all relaxing and sipping hot cocoa. Alfred handed them each a mug and they thanked him before sitting down.

"Hey!" Dick said. 

"Greetings. I am Kagami. I am here to aid the search for Mari-chan" Kagami smiled genuinely. Dick nodded to her, then turned to Adrien. 

"Yesterday, we forgot to ask you one very fundamental thing. Do you have any photos of Marinette?"

Adrien took out his phone, pulled up a photo of Mari, and handed it to him. It was a photo from their last day of school, and Marinette had asked him to take a photo of her by a cherry blossom tree. The pink complemented her eyes beautifully and she looked like an angel. Adrien smiled at the memory. He missed his best friend. 

Dick smiled at the photo and handed it to Damien, who stared at it wide eyed. Adrien wondered what was wrong. Coccinella peeked over Damien's shoulder and got unusually excited from the photo. She bounced around while Damien shouted at her to stop and then picked her up and held her in his lap tightly. Alfred chuckled before promising to get her some water and leaving the room.

When neither Plagg nor Alfred came back, Adrien got nervous and excused himself to get some water from the kitchen. He ran in to see Alfred and Plagg staring at each other. 

"Oh, great, Alfred! You found my......rare, flying, hairless, cat! From the kingdom of Achu!" That was believable. Right?

"Oh, no. I know all about Plagg and the other kwamis. I just was about to explain to Plagg-" 

"Yeah, Alfie! You got some explaining to do!" 

"Wait, how do you know each other?" Adrien was so confused.

"Alfie here was Duusu's holder." Adrien's eyes widened. Plagg nodded and continued.

"But there was a volcano eruption during a battle and he and Duusu fell into a pit with Nooroo and his holder. That was the day we lost them." Plagg then turned to Alfred. 

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