Chapter 13: Nightmares and Coffee

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Y/N's POV:

I was running. I don't know what from, but I was running. I look over my shoulder to see this shadow creature running at me.

 I look over my shoulder to see this shadow creature running at me

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I just kept running. My breathing was getting faster and my heart beat was extremely loud. Suddenly I was shook awake. "Huh...?" "Y/N? Are you okay?" "Y-yeah I think..." "What happened?" "Just a silly nightmare! I'm fine." "You don't seem fine, you're crying.." Midas wiped a tear off of my cheek. "Oh.." "Do you want to talk about it?" "I guess.... This shadow thing was chasing after me, it wouldn't stop. It seemed to be getting quicker as my heart beat got faster and louder." "Woah, are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah, I'll be okay!" Midas lied down beside me and pulled me down. "H-Hey! What are you doing!?" "Shh.. Go back to sleep.." He pulled me closer to his chest and held me tight, as if he were to let go I would fade away forever.

✨The Next Morning!✨

Midas's POV:

I wake up to feel something in my arms.. Right it's Y/N... Is he okay after what happened in his nightmare..? I slip out of his grip and walk to the kitchen, once I get there I start making coffee. "Midas?" I turn around to be met with E/C eyes. "Yes, Y/N?" "What are you doing? Why did you get out of bed?" "I'm making coffee and I got up because I woke up." "You were warm though.." He quietly grumbled so no one could hear him. I chuckled and continued with making coffee. "I love you." "W-what?" I spin around to face my boyfriend with red cheeks. "I said 'I love you.' say it back." "I-I love you too." "OMG SOOO CUTE!!!!" "Skye!?" I chased Skye around the agency.


Sorry this chapter is so short, but the next chapter will be worth it! :)

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