Chapter 10: Birthday

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Today was my birthday. I never really did very much. After my mom left, it hasn't been the same. I'll probably hang out with Michael in his basement, maybe make a cake with River or something. Nothing too exciting. I wake up from the clang of pots downstairs. I roll over to see an empty bed. Sq-River was already up. I rub my eyes and put on a navy blue sweater. At least try and look approachable.

I detect motion coming from the upper level

"Do you know what the plan is?"

I am aware of the current task

I walk down the stairs, jumping off the last one.

Be careful with that. You could get hurt

River put his arm on the rail of the stairs, smiling. "Good morning to you as well." I joke rolling my eyes.

Come with me. There is something in the kitchen that requires your attention.

I could tell he was trying to keep in an excited squeak. We walk to the kitchen. Lights off, heavy breathing below the counter. It was obviously my dad, but I didn't want them to feel bad. "Where's dad?" I ask

Must've gone to get milk. My father did the same when I was your age. Very long line, I suppose. He hasn't been back since...

"SURPRISE SHAWTYYYY!'' My dad popped up from under thr counter, a party hat on and one of those paper party horns. I laugh at his efforts to make this a good birthday. "Thanks dad."

Squip grabs something from behind his back, slowly rocking back and forth on his toes.

I-I looked up things that humans do for each other on their birthdays...and they mentioned something about cake so...I-uh made you this.

He reveals the cake from behind his back.

I-it's not very good...but I tried.

He had a dorky smile on his face as he passed me the cake. It was a chocolate cake with bright blue frosting and star sprinkles. The frosting was melting off and the sprinkles were crooked. In dark blue icing, it said: "Happy Birthday, Jeremy!" The 'y was sliding down the side. It was a mess. I love it. River looked at it embarrassed.

Definitely not my proudest moment, but I'm sure it'll taste fine. I followed a book with a cake on it, so I don't think it's poisoned or anything.

"I love it. Thank you so much." He puts the cake on the counter so I can hug him. I give him a peck on the lips and go to the kitchen to cut the cake. "Happy birthday, sport! Can't believe you're 20." My dad grabs a slice and heads to his room.


"Yea River?"

I actually had a gift for you as well...again probably garbage but I thought it was nice.

He hands me a box he decorated with blue stickers and markers. I smile and take off the lid to reveal three hand-sewn dolls. One of River, Michael, and me. Michael had on his red hoodie and headphones around his neck. I had a red, white, and blue striped shirt and a blue cardigan, like what I wore when me and River met. He had on a grey shirt with black jeans and converse.

"Oh my god these are adorable."

Do you like them? I think if I did it correctly, you can take off your sweater and Michaels headphones. It's ok if you don't like them I can get you something else-

"Riv I love them! We need to give Michael's to him! Let's go!"

We walk in the grass, fingers intertwined. Michael's house was very close. It was a nice little walk. River found a few squirrels in a tree and wanted me to take a picture of them.

Michael was in his basement as usual. "Hey Jere! Hey Squip! Happy birthday!" Hey says with a warm smile.

Hey Michael...I know I haven't been the best to you in the past but...I was wonder if you'd like to start over?

He gives Michael the doll. Michael's face immediately lights up. "Did you make this?" River nods, shyly. "Wow that's incredible! And of course we can start over!"

Oh and by the way, my name is River!

"Oh cool man! I didn't know Squip's had names!"

Not normally, though after an update, we got to pick a name. I chose River based on a theater a went to when I was younger.

River smiled thinking about it. Michael passed me my controller as we sat down in our beanbag chairs.

We played AOTD for a few hours while River sat on Michaels bed, looking around awkwardly. "Hey River? You wanna play? I got another controller." Michael asked, handing him a green controller.

I'm not sure I understand. Could you please explain?

Michael laughs. "Sure. This trigger makes you go forward, this one makes punch, this one makes you jump, and this one is your special move!" River takes the controller and joins the game.

Seems easy enough

After a few rounds, River had gotten the hang of it. Turns out he's way better than I thought.

Of course I am. I'm better than you a lot of things, Jeremy. This shouldn't come as a surprise.

"You can still read my thoughts?"

Yes Jeremy. I need to start making a chart of how many times you ask me that.

He laughs, killing a zombie. I roll my eyes and continue with the game. I feel soft arms wrap around stomach lazily. I look up to see River focused on the game. I ease into the touch a focus as well.

"Can you guys stop being such a cute couple? You're making me jealous!"

River laughs, but the giggles soon fade into a stressed frown. "River? You ok?" Michael asked. His eyes widen, looking up.

O-oh! Yes I am fine.

He smiles, but it felt fake, yet I try to brush it off and continue on with my night. This had been my first birthday I've enjoyed in years, I didn't want to ruin it.

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