Bondita's College life

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Sunaina- You are in trouble bhabhi.

Bon- He does not knows but HE is in trouble.

Everyone looked at one another and laughed and Bondita laughed too.

Bon- Don't let him or anyone else know I am married. alright??.

Soham- What are you planning Bondita.

Lily- Bondita it is.

Sunaina- what?!

Lily- Her name

Soham- What are you planning?

Bon- Nothing much just some harmless fun.

Sunaina- You're getting along my friends well it seems.

Kushal- Better than you Sunaina.

Bondita was deep down feeling lonely among so many people because she did not had her pati babu. She tried to hide her sadness but Sohan noticed something is off.

Soham(to Bondita)- Is something off?

Bon- No No..... Why?

Bon(changing the topic)- Don't we have class?

They went to class and then after college they went home.

Next day.

Bondita and Sunaina entered college. A car stopped in front of them and Peter came out of it.

Peter- Hello Ms. Bondita

Bon- Hi.

Peter- May we speak for a minute if you don't mind

Sunaina- We have a class lined up , Pls excuse us

Peter (giving him aggressive look)- You may go... No one is talking to you.

Sunaina without saying looked down and was about to go.

Bon- Sorry Mr. but this is not the way to speak to someone. You shall apologize

Peter(unwillingly, and looking here and there)- Sorry

Bon- We do have a class lined up. I'll see you after class. Bye (and smiled at him)

He too smiled at her.

Sunaina and Bondita went to class. Sunaina was sitting with Lily and Akshat and Kushal were sitting together and Bondita was sitting with Sohan. Bondita had developed a good sense of understanding and friendship with him in very less time.

All of them were going to canteen. In canteen as Bondita entered she saw Peter holding someone's collar because he spilled the juice on him. He noticed Bondita looking at him in anger and disgust. As soon as he saw her he left the guy and told him to get lost. He immediately took tissue and tried to clean his shirt.

Bon- Chalo beth te hai....


Bon - What?

Peter- May we speak now?

Bon- First clean yourself and then come and talk.

Bon- Lets go guys

Peter walked towards her, Sohan stopped him and said.

Soham- Mr. don't you get she is not willing to speak to you.

Peter- Now you will say what should I do and what should I not.

Bon- Soham Peter stop it.

Bon- Now I can not speak to you, Pls meet me tomorrow around 12 p.m. near ground.

Peter gave Soham a look and went.

Kushal- You're gonna meet him.

Bon- Yes, he is a bully... he needs to change... its not his dad's college.

Soham- Haa wo sab thik hai abhi lets eat something plss I am starving... shall we?

Everyone else together- Yes.

To all the Barrister Babu lover If You Enjoyed reading please do vote and share with your friends . Also please leave a comment it really encourages me to bring up an amazing Anidita story.

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