Anirudh's And Bondita's Jealousy

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In the Evening. They went to the party.

Bondita and Anirudh greeted Mr. Chadwic and then they were talking and socializing with guests. Bondita and Aniudh were talking to a couple . Anirudh whispered in Bondita's ears- Me washroom se aata hu. Bondita nodded.

Anirudh went to washroom,while returning to Bondita a girl came to him and said.

The girl- Hi Mr. Handsome.

Anirudh- Hello Ms. Beautiful.

Bondita heard this but acted cool.

The girl- May I ask you for a dance?

Bondita clutched her saree. Anirudh saw this , he wanted to annoy her and make her jealous.

Anirudh- Ya sure.

She offered her hands for dance, He accepted it. Bondita was all red with anger? or with jealousy?whatever it may , but she was not comfortable seeing her Pati Babu like this. She said to the couple to excuse her. The couple understood the situation. Anirudh was dancing with the girl, Bondita couldn't see them together so she took her eyes off them and turned around a young man bumped into her.

The Man- Are you ok lady?

Bon- Ya I am.

The Man- Are you sure?

Bon- Don't you get it at once I am fine.(said angrily)

The Man- Oh Holy Jesus! I was just trying to be polite.. Angry Beauty!

Bon- I am sorry..(calmly)..I was actually angry at someone else I vented it out on you I Am Sorry.

The Man- May I know the reason?

Bondita gave him a annoyed look. And then look at Anirudh and that girl dancing.

The Man- Do you know that Handsome man?

Bon- He is my husband.

The Man- Ooh!! You want him to teach a lesson?

Bon- Sorry?

The Man- You are jealous of seeing him someone else..aren't you?

Bondita wondered if what he was saying is true or not. The man snapped at her.

The man- Are you jealous?

Bon- Yes but...

The Man- I can help you.

Bon- How?

He offered her his hands. Bondita understood he was asking for dance. She tought for a second and then looked at Anirudh. He was looking at her so she accepted and gave her hands to him. Seeing this Anirudh got angry . The Man held Bondita's waist she was watching Anirudh turning red.

The Man said to her - Don't look at him lady..just look into my eyes.

Bondita did as he said. She was dancing with him looking into his eyes. This burnt Anirudh from head to toe. Anirudh's eyes were constantly on Bondita. He stopped dancing with that girl.

The girl- Kya hua Anirudh ji.

Anirudh- Nothing.

He went to the waiter and took the drink and drank it all at once.

The Man(to Bondita)- Plan worked.. you may go and thank me later.

She went towards Anirudh but turned towavds the man and smiled at him, he winked at her. Anirudh saw this and left the party Bondita ran after him but he sat in car and went to Anand's house.

Batuk- Areey dada aa gye aap dono?!Boudi kaha...?

Anirudh without answering him went to his room and shut the door hardly. Batuk was left confused.

Batuk went outside and checked if Bondita was there. He saw no one . So he took the car and went to the party venue

Outside the party.

The Man saw Bondita standing outside.

The man- I am so sorry ... I did not expected this to turn out this way.

Bon- No no its ok he is just unpredictable... Its not your fault.

The Man- May I..

Bon- I am not being rude but I want to spend sometime alone.

As soon as she said this Batuk came with the car.

Batuk- Boudi Dada ko kya hua ?wo bohot gusse me the..

Bondita looked at that Man. Actually they both looked at each other.

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