Peter's Unexplored side

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The day ended and all were about to go home when Bondita remembered that she just forgot to take her Notebook. Sunaina asked everyone to leave and said she'd be here waiting.

Bondita after getting her Notebook back was coming to Sunaina when she saw Peter helping a poor child and buying him something. She stood there watching him. After the kid went they both looked at each other when she remembered she has to go. She went.

Peter next day where Bondita said him to be.

Bon- Before time?! impressive.

Peter smiled and said- I am.

Peter then remembered- Ohh.. Yeah... listen I know you saw me yesterday, just forget whatever you saw and don't share it with anyone else.. pls its a very humble request.


Bon- Ok as you wish.

Peter- Shall we walk outside the college.. its very uncomfortable place to talk.

Bon- Ok I will have to return before 1 because I have an Important class.

Peter- Your wish my command madam.

Bondita laughed at him and said- Shall we?

They went outside the college.

Bon- You don't attend classes?

Peter - No

Bon- Why?

Peter - I just don't like it...

Bon- Whats your life goal?

Peter- Nothing as such.

Bon- what do you mean

Peter- I have everything I don't need to study.

Bon- You know you're not only wasting your father's money but also a seat which could have been of someone more deseving.

Peter did not reply. They walked silently for a while. A boy was running and just bumped into Peter and the boy fell. Peter helped the boy to stand and asked him to walk carefully. He apologized and Peter said its fine. This was a very different Peter from what she saw in college.

Bon- I need to leave.

Peter- Oh.. its time already?!

Bon- Yes

They went to college and then she saw a transformed Peter, A bully was what she saw. Bondita went to her class and then usual day

Next day when she was sitting in class. She saw Peter entering the class with a bag and went and sat on last bench. Everyone was looking at him in shock. He hit a boy on his and said - Whats so surprising??

The boy- Nothing.

Peter went and sat on the last bench. Teacher entered.

Teacher- Good Morning class.

Students- Good Morning sir.

Teacher- Holy Christ! Mr. Peter Kavinsky is here.. Am I dreaming?!

Peter- Shall I leave?

Teacher- No No.. very happy to see you.

Peter- My pleasure sir.

Bondita turned her head towards him and smiled at him as she knew why he came.

Sohan- Its because of you. Ain't it?

Bon- No No kya bol rha hai?.. usne fees bhari hai.. his wish mera kya.

Sohan- Hmm...aadhe semister nhi aya and he is suddenly here after meeting you yesterday(understand and getting that she is lying)

Teacher- So students.. we are having a group project.. (explained the project) so students kindly choose your group. Peter. You seem look confused , choose a person whom you want to be in your group.

Peter- Bondita.

Teacher looked at her

Bondita- I am fine with it.

Teacher- Ok then... Everyone form group of 7 and then submit me your names.

Bondita and some other students - Ok ma'am

To all the Barrister Babu lover If You Enjoyed reading please do vote and share with your friends . Also please leave a comment it really encourages me to bring up an amazing Anidita story.

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