Chapter 3: That Was Close

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Sucrose, Mayonna, Tulip, Hilda, Molly, and Bee had rushed to the scene in order to assist Raiden Mei in defeating the Zinogre. The Hydro arrow that crippled the Zinogre's left frontal leg was fired by Bee, who carried Amos' Bow with her. Bee jumped onto the battlefield and fired more Hydro arrows at the Zinogre, dealing intense damage. Then, Mayonna used her enchanted Sniper Rifle and sniped at the Zinogre's head, which resulted in light beams from the sky hitting the Zinogre's back, breaking it. The Zinogre was now severely crippled from the initial attacks, which led to Hilda, Tulip, and Molly unleashing a barrage of projectiles from their guns while Sucrose threw a vial containing a volatile wind spirit. Upon impact with the Zinogre, the vial broke, releasing the volatile wind spirit which unleashed bursts of wind on the Zinogre. Then, Raiden Mei struck the final blow with her long sword.

"That was a close one," said Mei as the Zinogre collapsed on itself. Raiden Mei and her newly-entrusted allies carved the Zinogre and got loads of Zinogre body parts used for crafting.

As soon as Mei and her 'reinforcements' returned to New Tuchanka, they entered the local cafeteria not just to eat lunch (they had Bungers and Fryders for lunch), but to speak about their plans for the Elder's Recess, as well as forge a fireteam with one another.
"So, about the Elder's Recess..." Bee started.

"Yeah, about that," Raiden Mei started to explain, "The Elder's Recess, a volcanic ridged area located on the planet Sera in the Ooo star system, is experiencing an unusual surge of Umbral energy, originating from a daemon-infested volcanic base ruins known as 'Firebase Z'. We have to find what's going on in the base ruins, and quell it."

"But how are we supposed to get into planet Sera from here?" Hilda asked.

"I have my Railjack 'Bahamut' which allows us to travel to different planets," Tulip answered.

"Great idea," Mei remarked.

In New Tuchanka's docking bay, Tulip shows her comrades her Railjack, Bahamut.

"Woah, it's massive," Bee remarked.

As soon as the fireteam entered the Railjack, Tulip used the ship's onboard computer, Cephalon Cy, in order to set a course to the Ooo star system.

"Bahamut, set a course to planet Sera," said Tulip.

"Affirmative," Cephalon Cy said as it charted an on-screen route to the planet Sera in the Ooo system.

The Railjack was ready for takeoff, bound for planet Sera.

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