Chapter 5: The Path to Firebase Z

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As soon as the Railjack landed, Raiden Mei and her fireteam exited the Railjack to inspect the Elder's Recess for Umbral anomalies, as well as locate Firebase Z.

The path to Firebase Z is marked with bolted metal scraps on the ashen stone floor, as well as diorite lämps that flicker with a chilling blue light.

The fireteam carefully followed the lämps that dot the path to Firebase Z, while admiring the crystal-laden landscape of the Elder's Recess.

While traveling through Firebase Z's path, Raiden Mei began to notice glitchy purple and black puddles scattered across the volcanic rock formations, which must be a result of the Umbral energy surge.

Raiden Mei said, "The Umbral energy must've spread across the Recess, causing some of the volcanic rock to erode–"

Suddenly, a Brachydios, a theropod alien monster with volatile glowing slime on its large arms and horn, bursted out of a wall of volcanic rock nearby. The fireteam began to notice the Brachydios rushing toward the fireteam while mashing its arms into the ground, causing explosions near the Brachydios.

"Watch out!" Hilda said.

The fireteam immediately ran away in order to avoid being crushed by the Brachydios, but the Brachydios chased the fireteam along the Firebase Z path.

That is, until a large alien tentacled creature attacked the Brachydios. The Brachydios stopped chasing the fireteam in order to attack the creature attacking it.

The fireteam, on the other hand, was lucky to survive the attack of the Brachydios. If it wasn't for Hilda reminding them about the approaching Brachydios, they would have been slimy pancakes.

"Phew, that was close," Sucrose remarked.

"What was that tentacled creature anyway?" Molly asked as she looked closely at the tentacled creature attacking the Brachydios.

"I don't know," Bee shrugged.

"Whatever that thing was, it could be connected to the Umbral energy surge on Firebase Z," Mei said.

"Speaking of Firebase Z, we're actually close to the base," Tulip said as she looked at a large ruined door near their location.

The front gates of Firebase Z were straight ahead.

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