Chapter 10: Herrscher Unleashed

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The Shub-Niggurath had risen from the cauldron, while Gideon himself hid behind the cauldron and witnessed the Shub-Niggurath's power and its attempt to dispose of the 'invaders'. Hordes of Withered Bonnie guard and flying Minireena animatronics also appeared to protect the Shub-Niggurath.

The Versa Pietru confronted the Shub-Niggurath head-on. Meanwhile, Raiden Mei and her fireteam proceeded to fight against hordes of animatronics in an attempt to get to Gideon and the Shub-Niggurath.

As for Versa Pietru and the Shub-Niggurath, it was an even match. The battle between the divine emissary dragon and the eldritch tentacled being had raged throughout the spire, causing the inside of the spire to shift at a fast pace. Parts of floors have erected to act as high-ground platforms, while small pieces of walls were torn apart and floated around inside the spire. In one instance it seems that the Versa Pietru is dominating, in another that domination abruptly shifts to the Shub-Niggurath.

Raiden Mei must do something in order to help the Versa Pietru, but she is getting surrounded by animatronics. That's when she realiszes that she is the Herrscher of Thunder, and has hidden powers that are comparable to deities'.

Realiszing this, Raiden Mei whispered to her fireteam, "Please... lend me your energy," as she holds her hands up in the air.

The remaining animatronics stopped attacking in order to figure out what Raiden Mei is doing. Even Gideon, Versa Pietru, and Shub-Niggurath were suspicious of what Raiden Mei is doing.

Meanwhile, Sucrose, Mayonna, Tulip, Hilda, Molly, Bee, and Danny, hearing Raiden Mei's command, held out their hands and transferred some of their magical energy into Raiden Mei. Raiden Mei can literally feel the energy being transferred into her, and she began to glow with Electro elemental energy. She glowed brighter and brighter every second until...

Mei emitted a burst of forceful Electro energy as she is transformed into the Herrscher of Thunder.

Raiden Mei, in her 'Herrscher of Thunder' form, proceeded to slice and dice through hordes of animatronics with her long sword, leaving copious amounts of scrap metal and spare parts. She then dashed into Shub-Niggurath to finish it off. The Versa Pietru watched as Raiden Mei repeatedly slashed at the Shub-Niggurath, causing it to suffer major wounds. Eventually, the Shub-Niggurath was so badly damaged that it was on the brink of destruction.

After that, Raiden Mei transformed back into her regular form. Bee, Sucrose, and Hilda ran to the giant cauldron area, while Mayonna, Tulip, Molly, and Danny tended to the Versa Pietru.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked.

"I am fine, just some minor wounds," the Versa Pietru answered, as Molly brought out a first-aid kit and used it to heal the Versa Pietru.

Back at the giant cauldron area, Hilda and Bee, as well as their pets (Twig and PuppyCat, respectively), found Gideon just hiding behind the giant cauldron.

"You are surrounded. Surrounded by the righteous," Hilda said to Gideon as she held Gideon in a full-nelson.

"How do you like us now?" Bee taunted Gideon and giggled.

Raiden Mei and Sucrose met up with Bee and Hilda, who captured Gideon.

"We need to make sure that the Shub-Niggurath never comes back," Mei announced.

"How do we do that?" Bee asked.

"By blowing this whole place up," Mei answered.

"But how are we going to blow up this place?" Sucrose wondered.

That's when Hilda notices a glowing big red button at the side of the giant cauldron labeled 'Obligatory self-destruct button'.

Raiden Mei pushed the button, and suddenly, red lights started flashing, and a computerized voice in the spire said: "OBLIGATORY SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE INITIATED: THIS AREA WILL BE SCRONCHED IN 1 MINUTE."

"We need to go now," Raiden Mei announced.

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