The Dinner!

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//This is from Kai's perspective! 

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" the American President Vargas asked.

"Yeah, just Emperor Kaito would do." he said as he had learned the hard way that the President liked to use his title of 'Emperor' wherever possible.

"Okay. As I was saying it's time for dinner so we both can walk together to the dining chambers"

Kai nodded his head. President Vargas had interrupted on his comm with Cinder and he did not look ashamed about it as well. He was angry after realizing why Cinder seemed so dejected, but could he really shout at the President of the USA because of Cinder's mistake, a big fat NO.


What was she thinking today? He was excited to go home now that he would finally be seeing Cinder after like 9 days 21 hours and 58 seconds-now it becomes 59 seconds. He was definitely not counting. Now he was looking forward to going home back for an entirely different reason. He had to solve this mess that was already looming on his head before he had come to England. He was trying to postpone addressing the rumors for his own sake and sanity. He was happy in his own bubble- where everyone was happy as the royal couple was expecting a child. Alas! Fantasies were not made for Emperors especially not for Kai. His life with Cinder felt like a dream but the press ruined it all the time. The first thing he would do after going to Eastern Commonwealth was put restrictions on the press.

"Emperor Kaito, are you listening?"

Kai zoned out. He should pay attention to avoid saying something wrong like Cinder.

"My apologies President, I got distracted. Could you repeat what you were saying?" he asked with a polite smile.

"Nothing much actually, I was just asking how you feel about the meeting that took place in the morning?"

"Oh, About that! I must say I agree with Queen Camilla for once. The prospect of abolition of cyborg needs of guardians is very much acceptable to the Eastern Commonwealth. It is actually done in the Commonwealth thanks to Cin-my wife you see. It would be good if the Earthen Union follows lead. "

"I agree as well, Emperor. It seems your mind is in the Commonwealth where your dearest wife Selene is."

"No President, I am wholly involved this conversation." Kai replied, his ears becoming pink. Why did he have to blush and get flustered so easily, he could read Cinder cliché love letters and she would not show a sign of embarrassment and here he was getting all flustered at the mention of his wife.

"I was just kidding, Emperor. Remind me how far along the Empress is?"

"She is 7 months along" he said, feeling quite happy now that they had reached the dining chambers. He would be able to avoid talks with President Vargas, never his favorite one.

"Here you are Emperor Kaito and President Vargas. I would request you to take a seat so that we can commence with dinner. We were expecting your arrival." addressed the Queen.

He and the President took their seats. His seat was adjacent to Princess Sophie, Queen Camilla's daughter.

Feeling a bit out of his element, he avoided talking with any of the world leaders. 'Out of his element really huh, Kai!' he said to himself. He had been raised to be presentable at such meetings and political dinners, how could Kai be out of his element, then again when did he ever feel out of character at Rampion even when he had not been raised to have friends who were criminals for a time- being.

He could not really avoid any talk for Princess Sophie was sitting next to him, she was rather known for her talkative nature. Not only this but the sitting arrangement was awkward for Kai who had recently learned that the princess had some royalty-crush upon him. He really had no idea how to sit beside a person who might have a crush on you. Besides he was a married man, expecting his first born child.

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