The Father She Never Had

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//I don't know what to say, so let's not say anything!

Cinder's Perspective- 

After having her comm with Kai she really did do nothing but drown in her misery and bemoan about how she had caused Kai grief. He would be coming tomorrow and there was no way in hell that she could solve the entire matter all by herself in just a few hours.

Cinder wanted to dig a hole and disappear and never come back or maybe die. She could not dare share her worry with anyone else because she was rather ashamed and humiliated of the mess she had made by confirming the rumors.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Maybe I enter your majesty?"

"Yes please, Torin."

"I heard that you broke the news to Kai. He did not look very happy about the whole incident."

"I was not expecting him to be happy." She snapped at Torin.

"My apologies, Your Majesty but I believe snapping at me or anyone else would not help our condition. No one present in the meeting would say a word about today's happenings. I have taken an oath of secrecy from all the Heads."

She sighed with relief. At least the press would not make a scene out of her foolishness.

"I assume you already know that Kai would be returning tomorrow."

"Yes. He had commed me asking details about what happened. I am happy to say that we have come up with a plan."

"Kai has already come up with a plan?" she was surprised. He was trying to solve the mess while she was self-loathing.

Torin nodded.

"What's this plan about?"

"I am not sure you would want to know this." He replied with a grimacing face.

"I want to know. I am not a fan of the entire situation myself, so I would be pleased to know this damage control." What had Kai planned that she would be left disappointed?

"Ok, after His Imperial Highness comes tomorrow a press conference is to be held. He would confirm that all the rumors about the heir's parentage and the Empress's courting are false. You would most likely not be present at the conference. The reporters will be given a right to ask questions regarding the entire scenario and the Emperor will be liable to answer them unless they are on controversial matters and breach the royal family's privacy."

She was not disappointed by far if not for the point that Kai had to solve her problems.

Torin coughed to draw her attention. There was more.

"The press would not believe without proof so the prenatal paternity test would have to be done so as to give an official statement about the parentage of the royal heir."

This certainly did sadden her but bitter actions had to be taken in order to enforce the trust among the citizens of the Commonwealth.

"Is that all Torin?"


She had to agree to this, which was certainly clear. No matter how much Kai tried to keep her away from stuff like this, the test had to be done. If not for her idiosyncrasies, some mild action would have to be taken. Unfortunately life never came easy to either Kai or Cinder.

"Well what has to be done has to be done."

"I had a suggestion."

"Yes Torin?"

"What if we inform Mr. Thorne about this incident as well?"

"Why would you suggest that, Torin?" She did not like where this idea was going. Telling Thorne and Cress was never on her list of damage control ideas.

"I believe they would take the news better from you than the extravagant articles of the press. Also, Mr. Throne does have the right to hear about this incident from you as he is personally being questioned. Besides, he is a dear friend of yours."

Why did whatever Torin suggested have to be so right to the entire situation?! Why did he always come up with such brilliant ideas?!

"I would think about it Torin."

"Okay, your majesty." He bowed

She was speculating if she should ask such a question to Torin who was an advisor and a father figure to both her and Kai. In the end, she decided against her intellect.

"Torin!" She called for him.

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

She cautiously asked, "Do you question the parentage of the heir and my role as the Empress as well?"

She was expecting something optimistic from him. He returned her gaze with the same aura of confidence as ever and answered, "It is not my right to question Your Majesty."

She felt like retorting at him to question. Whatever Torin had to say was important to her. He had to tell her if he believed in her or not. She had to know.

It seemed like that was all.

Until he continued, "After having seen Kai so much in awe with you since the day he laid his eyes upon you, I can't question the love that you feel for each other. Besides I know you both were very excited- needless to say Kai was super-enthusiastic about being a father, so I am neither a fool like others nor an unwise person deprived of my senses to question either you or the heir. You may be assured, Cinder. "

Cinder had never felt any sort of elderly respect for anyone before she met Torin. Torin was so much of what she needed to guide herself through the hardships of being an Empress. In that moment she felt so much of respect and love for Torin that she raised herself and embraced him. Pregnancy and hormones were catching up.

"Thank you, Torin." She muttered

They fell in a comfortable silence. She knew how much his words and trust meant to her. He knew it as well.

"Don't worry about Kai, he is sad over the way the Commonwealth is treating you. He might look disappointed upon you however he is just sad about the rumors. He loves you and would forgive you, plus you already know this."

Cinder nodded her head, agreeing with what Torin said. She felt calm as relief flooded over her tensed shoulders.

"You should take rest. Even though sad the Emperor wants the best for you. If he finds you are ill or exhausted he would make havoc about it."

She knew that Kai would not stop from doing such an action; rather he had already done such a thing when she had been late for lunch one afternoon. It was quite an amusement to her and Torin.

She giggled as Torin made jokes at the Emperor's expense. Torin was a fatherly figure that she had got. She had never really thought about the need of a parent in her life until she saw how life changes with the presence of one. Cinder never knew how her mother was like, she did not even know who her father was but she had Torin. Even though not a father he was so much more for Cinder. Now that she had him, his presence made her feel like she had the blessings of a father.

Cinder never really had blood ties that were worthy of remembering. They say you cannot choose family- they were wrong. Cinder had chosen her friends which turned out to be her family. Her life. She had come to value these relationships but she was going to treasure it forever.


A/N:  Have you already guessed what happens? And do you believe that it will be the end for our favorite ship?

P.S- What do you think of Torin-Cinder relationship after the rebellion? 

Be sure to vote and share among fellow lunartics if you like it! 

Take care,


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