On Roads to Recovery!

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Cinder's Perspective-

Today was the day that Kai was going to separate the truth from the false rumors. He was going to state confidently the things that he himself seemed doubtful about. Today was the day of the press conference. Today every problem would be solved. Well not everything as Kai was not talking to her which was the only problem that mattered.

After the feud, he had not returned back. Not like Cinder cared at this moment. The accusations that had been made by him had shaken her to the core. How could he really do that? What happened about trusting her?

Besides it was not like Cinder had much part in the conference. Kai was supposed to address it while she sat back in her room watching him on her newsfeed.

As the time for the conference neared, she was getting agitated and anxious. She could really not sit still and had become hyperactive. Tapping her feet, walking through the room. She almost pulled her hair and screeched a habit she had recently picked up from Kai. She calmed herself before she tried some desperate measure and did something stupid.

She sat herself on the armchair and patiently waited watching her newsfeed on her retina scanner for the press conference to start. The cameraman plugged in and she could see Kai's face in a close up. Only then did she notice the black circle beneath his eyes which completely gave away about his sleepless night. He might have a hard time proving himself to the reporters. She saw his rimmed red eyes, his entire state and felt guilty of the spectacle she had caused in the morning. She had absolutely made a mistake by shouting at him in the morning. She seemed to sooth herself by convincing her that she was not the only one for even he had accused her of things she clearly had not done

The entire thing must have shaken him badly as well. Cinder was really not doing a great job at being a helpful wife and Empress.

"I thank all of you to be present indoors on this sunny afternoon. Firstly, I am happy to announce that the entire discussion with the Earth leaders has been a success and we have come to a negotiation to abolish the need of guardians for cyborgs. I would like to congratulate all the cyborg citizens of the Commonwealth on their new found freedom. The prospect of abolition will be officially announced by the Earthen leaders in a week. No questions regarding the same should be asked beforehand. Now, about the major issue that is to be addressed- Many rumors regarding the parentage of the heir have arisen. They also subtly hint about a relationship going between the Empress and Cadet Carswell Thorne. The Palace and I as the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth officially deny all such ongoing rumors. The Empress is not courting Mr. Carswell Throne or anyone else in that matter. Moreover the statement regarding the royal heir would be released tomorrow to refute all the false accusations made against the royal family. All the reporters and journalist are requested to not question about the royal family without checking all the facts. Any further misconceptions or questions should be cleared here upon. If any such falsely- claimed information are further spread without proof-checking then strict actions shall be taken. "

As soon as Kai was done with his speech, many hands rose up in the air.

A guy in the first row asked, "It seems that Mr. Carswell was a dear friend of yours and The Empress. You had previously referred to Mr. Thorne as an intimate friend. What do you feel about such sentiments between your wife and a dear friend? What are your views on the Empress courting your friend and what actions are you--"

They had clearly not expected such type of questions after clearly having rebuked all the rumors. Did the reporter not hear it? THEY WERE ALL FALSE.

"Fuck off" Cinder swears loudly to that guy as if the reporter could hear her. Did reporters not know that they were at the Palace and Kai had the authority to throw them out- after realizing her little outburst. She clearly understood why she was forbidden from being present at this conference.

"I am sure that I just confirmed that all the rumors about the Empress courting are false. Next question, second row please." He retorted.

"Do you know about the unrest among the civilians over the same prospect?" asked the lady.

"Well, as of now I'm aware but I had ingenuously expected the Commonwealth to be happy over the prospect of the royal heir. I hope that the unrest among citizens created because of this rumor will cease to exist and they would be delighted to receive the heir. "

He nodded at another journalist.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty but may I question why the Empress is not present at today's conference?"

Have a good time explaining my absence; she thought as if Kai had telepathy.

"Well,-" he whispered something that was unintelligible to everyone under his breath. Someone coughed loudly as if warning the Emperor from saying more. Cinder could bet that it was Torin.

"The Empress could not be present because of health reasons." Really Kai? You could do better than that.

The lady in the far back asked, "First of all, I'm happy to congratulate you and the Empress over the royal baby. I wish the Empress a healthy delivery."

Kai replied a gracious 'Thank You' clearly not expecting such humble remarks from reporters. Honestly even Cinder was baffled because she had expected all the reporters to be vicious who would try to tear Kai to shreds.

She continued, "Do you think that some difficulties can arise at the delivery of Empress because of her cybernetics?"

"Well, we are aware of the risk that comes with cybernetics in the delivery. Besides as my wife is the first cyborg to deliver a child we are not sure about what type of complications might come up but we are prepared if any such difficulties arise. The health of the child and mother would be the prime concern. Hence the Commonwealth may rest assured."

Cinder, Kai and Dr. Nandez had already speculated much about it. She was not sure herself but she completely trusted Dr. Nandez to solve any problems. She was not such an optimistic person often but Kai was starting to rub on her. Besides, his optimistic outlook would not hurt her once in a while.

"What does the Palace security-"

She glanced away and saw that she had a comm. A comm from Iko. It dawned upon her that Iko did not know about the things going on in the Commonwealth for she was spending her time with Winter on Luna. Not only that but also Cinder had not told her about the whole mess and now she will yell at Cinder for being such a disappointing friend. This week maybe Cinder was going to fail in all her roles as a human being.

Cinder was thinking whether she should pick the comm or just not acknowledge it. She really wanted to hear the entire press conference but missing Iko's comm could result in Cinder's worst nightmare. In the end, fear prevailed over desire as she went on to pick up the comm.


A/N: Next one is the last chapter and it will be out on next Monday because I have not written it and exams are up, so there is not much time to write it. 

If you have not checked my new one-shot work named 'Lunette- The Tales of Moonlight', then go check it out!

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See ya,


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