The After Effects-

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A/N: Thankfully, no one killed me yet, so I present you with a very new chapter of  more problems and frustration.

Kai's perspective-

What was she thinking?! He was so livid- livid at her for everything she had been doing and not doing. She had done the test and with utter bitterness made a fuss about the scenario, again. He was annoyed that Cinder had been so bizarre while talking with him. She had the nerve to deepen his anger with every word that came out of her mouth. She is a Lunar and she came from a family of tyrants. Obviously, she would share their traits and show them when they were at their worst. He was frustrated in himself for avoiding her, for making false accusations as well.

He ran his hand through his hair, his fingers tugging at them. Teeth tearing his lips and a tensed jaw- that was how he stood outside the door after banging it, hard. He wanted to screech but realizing that there were people watching his every single move he thought better of it. He did not have any more patience to deal with more rumors spreading about him in the masses.

In. Out. In. Out.

He had to calm himself down and think clearly. As if he had a hold of the entire situation, he walked to his office and upon reaching the mahogany door of the office that once had been attended by various Emperors that belonged to his family line who were more serious and less sarcastic than him and had a better hold of an every situation- he decided: Everyone was at fault.

The accusations that he had made were lethal as well; he could not believe he had said something like that. He was to be blamed. He had accused his own wife of infidelity. That's not the worse part- his wife was Cinder who was like the most faithful person on the planet and its moon. Why doesn't he have the calm to say things that actually make sense?

He decided to solve the mess in his mind by giving himself the speech of dumbness-

Kai, you made a mistake. Cinder will not let it go easily but she is at fault. You are in trouble- you can't ask Torin for help because he is the royal advisor not some marriage pacifier. So, the mess is to remain unsolved till you host the conference.

After his pep talk, he somewhat faked control on the outside while there was a chaos on the inside. The last few days had been a strain on him and Cinder. It was definitely more for Cinder who was carrying a child inside her. He definitely was not doing a best task at being a worthy husband, so they had to suffer. At least she did not have to deal with the palace staff- he groaned remembering the palace meetings that had wanted him to fire the entire staff just yesterday.


"Why can't you just interpret that she is not cheating on me?" he yelled. These guys were really trying his patience. They should just wrap their head around the fact that their Empress is a very faithful woman and start behaving like adults and not gossipers from high school.

"I believe we should call for a break. We will gather after 10 minutes here again" Torin intervened before the situation got worse.

Everyone fled to the door, obviously to gossip more about their dear Emperor and Empress. Ah! He groaned in his hands.

"Kaito, calm down." He said passing the glass of water.

"Torin, I can't imagine these people hold respectable positions in the palace. Who the hell does Huang think he is to call Cinder a 'slut'?"

"Kai, are you forgetting that Cinder said that she was dating Mr. Carswell Thorne openly in the meeting and besides he did not call her a 'slut' he just questioned her morals?"

''How can I forget that?! Everyone is practically rubbing it in my face since I have come back."

"Okay, I agree that perhaps the head staff is overstepping their boundaries and I will convey the message to not make any spiteful remarks in regards with the royal family." He nodded his head as Torin walked out. Another episode of yelling was going to take place within a few minutes.

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