Now or Never

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//I am sorry to keep you waiting for longer than necessary but this turned out to be longer than I expected so I had to take more time! Without further ado, here's the last chapter-

"What the hell is going on, Cinder?" Iko screeched in her ears.

Cinder had already guessed that this call could be the last straw of her sanity. Iko was obviously going to shout and yell names at her because that's what best friends do when they love you.

"Nothing. Why?" she asked rather daringly.

"Don't you act oblivious with me! Why the hell is Kai doing a press conference about you and Thorne?"

"Oh! Them" She faked recalling it. Cinder felt foolish to beat around the bush. However, Cinder was not going to give in easily especially to someone as determined as Iko looked right now.

"-Those are nothing Iko, stop fretting!"

"Yeah, as if you have not freaked out already. Besides your husband talking about you and Thorne courting is a trifle. Why did I bother?" She said every word dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay, Okay. Stop it. He's called for a press conference."

"About you and Thorne having an affair!" she yelled in her face.

"Can you stop shouting that? I know it already"

"Oh! Why is he having a press conference and why am I so clueless about what's going on?" Iko asked, lowering down her voice by the estimation of that of a hair.

She explained the entire scenario to Iko after which she continued to yell at her for immense reasons.

"You call me your best friend and you are telling me this now?! Shame on you Cinder."

"Stop screaming at me as if I did not announce my achievement to you. I am very much ashamed just not of telling you."

"Even then, shame on you!"

"Thank you for adding to my misery," she said glaring at her.

"But why were you not in your right mind and what about Kai?"

"Obviously I was not in my right mind Iko, I thought you were intelligent than that. And what about him?"

"Well, how is he taking this news? I am damn sure you have lost your sense of mind today. Stop acting like a dim head!"

"He is not delighted by the news if that's what you meant or wanted to hear" she retorted with the same level of mockery.

Out of a sense of morality, she added, "He is not talking to me. We had a fight this morning"

"Stars above, you really screwed up. Calm down and talk to him"

She quirked her eyebrow as if questioning Iko -'if she had not already done that ' or maybe it was like 'as if she had not the brain to already do it.'

Iko murmured her sorry.

"Listen I have to go Iko and see the entire conference. So you can shout at me later but bye."

A protest erupted from Iko but Cinder was past caring. She ended the comm and paid heeds to the conference. She must have missed a few questions because not many hands were in the air presently. No, it actually seemed like chaos had erupted-

"I'm here to announce that the meeting would no longer take any more questions. I hope that the Royal family will no longer be questioned regarding the heir. It is expected that all your concerns and doubts have been cleared. The Empress's prenatal test result would be published on the official site by 1000 tomorrow." Torin announced.

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