Awkward Silences and Conflicts

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A/N: You can thank/kill me later! Stay tuned to see our favorite couple break apart; I feel obliged to say sorry beforehand. Without further ado,

Cinder's Perspective

Like the day before, Kai was not present in their chambers till midnight. The meeting had gone for long and Cinder had come to realize that even if she waited for him, it would not make much of a difference. He would not talk to her. She would not know what to say which would be followed by an awkward silence and later both of them pretending but not going to sleep- just being motionless on the mattress. Hence, she gave in and slept early although sleep never came early.

Early morning both pretended to be non-existent around each other until Cinder decided to take matters in her hand.

"My results are out."

"Huh?" He played to not hear.

"I said my results are out."

"Which results?" he asked as if he had completely forgotten. The nerve he had to ask 'which results' after having asked her to take the very same test not once but twice- just yesterday.

"Don't pretend Kai-"

"I really don't remember, would you enlighten me about this test Cinder?"

"Can't you just get over the drama and accept that you know, it's not like you could forget it" she huffed.

"You can't just tell me straightway can you? Oh why would you- you like keeping secrets, don't you Cinder?"

"So now I am the one keeping secrets, tell me what have I been hiding that you are so desperate to know?"

"So now you want me to narrate your examples?"

"I have nothing hidden to be given as an example; it's you who is making a fuss!"

"Oh! So what of that time when I almost caught you talking to Thorne, where you abruptly ended the comm-"

"WHAT?" she exclaimed.

She had no idea what he was talking about until it clicked- "Do you really think so shallow of me Kai? Like are you blind and stop making false accusations for God's sake, you are THE EMPEROR!"

"Really, Cinder? You made the mess and now I have to solve it-do you even know what I had to hear from the world leaders and palace staff"

"I made the fuss but I was ready to solve it as well, if not for you just pushing me away-"

Someone had said it right, people in fight do not listen to understand, they listen to reply. This is what both of them were doing; cutting short each other's words half-way trying to prove them as right in the most horrific way possible. She was sure that he was letting out all the week's frustration on her. She was doing nothing different.

"You had to just do a test, did you even-"

"Oh! So you now completely remember about this test-"

"How can I forget with everyone spreading rumors about your so-called affairs?"

"The results for the same test came out." She yelled in his face. Realization seemed to dawn upon him as he shut his mouth. Good for him because Cinder was not going to remain calm, while Kai made false accusations against her.

"News flash: You already know that I have no affair going on, especially not with Thorne and the baby is definitely yours! What a shame if you were questioning it as well!" She bawled.

"Stop" he said his breathing ragged. "Please"

He jumped to his feet and moved for the door. Cinder was not done yet. She would not be done until she had served Kai right for his indictments.

"I thought you would like to know, since you were so vocal about your doubts so far. Tell me Emperor; are you glad about the recent clarification of events?"

He did not say anything, did not even give an indication of hearing her but just went for the bathroom perhaps with moisture laden eyes. She knew him very well to know that he went to have some space and cry his eyes out.

She really had gone too far this type but so had he. She was here sitting at the foot of the bed, pressing the sole of her palms into her eyes. Trying her hard not to lose control, not to shut down. Her retina display was panicking as it always did when she was apprehensive. Red diagnostics flared up in the corner of her vision-warnings: BLOOD PRESSURE TOO HIGH, HEART RATE TOO FAST, SYSTEM OVERHEATING, INITIALIZING AUTO-COOL RESPONSE... and what not.

She winced recalling the instants that had taken place formerly; a pounding sensation in her head .They had fought, like cats and dogs trying to tear each other apart.

The faucet turned on, turned off. Kai walked out, composed and regal. Cinder did not look up, she continued to press the sole of her palms into her eyes. He stormed out, closing the door with a loud bang- making her flinch. He had left without a word- he must have looked at her pitiful figure and thought that she was not worth his time. Not now, not ever.

Was this the end? The end of her happy marriage.


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See you soon, 


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