The Brootp that accidentally became the OTP!

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//The title is ironical so don't get confused.

Cinder's POV-

Thanks to Torin she felt good again, she decided to act on his suggestion and hence she was here, trying to comm Thorne and Cress.

It was Cress who picked up the call and enabled the netlink connection. The Rampion was in the view behind her and from her stay in the satellite it seemed like she was in the galley.

"Hi Cinder!" she said excitedly. She would not seem so excited after she hears what Cinder had done.

"Hey!" she replied rather uninterestedly.

"How are you and Kai?"

"We are doing well. What about you and Thorne?"

"We are absolutely fine. How's the baby?"

"The baby is healthy as well."

Thorne poked his head inside the net-screen and with a smug face said," Oh! What's my favorite royalty doing?"

She looked numbly at him. She was far from fine even though she just told Cress that she's fine.

Sensing that everyone has gone silent, Cress started talking trying to establish a conversation.

"Thorne and I have been coming up with baby names. Do you want to hear them?"

She had asked each of her friends to suggest baby names. Kai and she were already thinking about naming their child Peony or Rikan after their loved ones. However both of them were quite against the notion of naming their child after dead people even though they were dear to them. Winter was quite enthusiastic about this activity. She had already suggested the name-'Aruna' for a girl which means 'moon love' in Japanese. Kai liked it. Wolf had suggested 'Astra' for a girl who means 'star' and Cinder liked this one.

"If it's a boy then Kale otherwise Nysa for a girl." Cress suggested.

"Do you know the gender of the baby?" Thorne asked.

"No, Kai wants it to be a surprise."

"Can you tell the gender of the baby because of your cybernetics like you had realized that you were pregnant before doing a test?"

"Dunno, are you curious?" She asked teasingly.

"NO! I am just saying that if the gender was known then finding the name would have been easy."

Cress and Cinder snickered. Not knowing the gender was driving Thorne mad in a way.

"Why did you comm, Cinder? Tell me it's because you just can't resist my charms."

"Captain" Cress scolded. Cinder smiled at the pair. She was waiting for Thorne to propose and see Cress's elated face. Needless to say, Cress was in love with Thorne before she had even met him.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but Kai is more handsome than you so I would have commed him instead if I wanted to see a handsome face."

"That hurts." He said faking the hurt look.

"Serves you right." Cress and Cinder muttered at the same time. He grinned at them, devilishly.

"Besides I had commed for another reason. I wanted to inform and have some advice over something that I messed up maybe." She said tensing up.

"You are asking me for advice?" Thorne asked, his brows rising.

"I am asking not saying that I will follow your advice. Didn't I just say the word 'inform' or did you not hear it?"

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