Sorry to Let You Down

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//Be sure to tell me how you think about this, I am dying to know! ;)

Cinder's perspective-

Cinder really did not know how she ended up in a circumstance like those. She recalled running into Kai, only to be completely avoided by him. He did not even smile at her. She was sort of expecting him to show such behavior but she wanted him to embrace her in his loving and protecting arms and tell her that 'It is okay, you don't have to worry'. She wanted his condolences, but who was she kidding this time?

Uh! Cinder, he had every right to act like that, but that does not mean he has to act like that.

She had crashed into him only to be fixed in position by him. He had held her arms and prevented her from falling on him probably. She was going to bear hug him only when she noticed he was avoiding eye contact with her, only to tell Torin something.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor has some urgent business to attend to. He is sorry that he has to take your leave." Torin said. As if Cinder could really not understand.

She had awkwardly withdrawn herself from his embrace and watched him go- Go away from her. He had not returned since then and both of them had barely exchanged words after that incident.

It was not like he was avoiding her, maybe he really was busy. However, she had texted him upon hearing that his meeting had ended but he had not replied to it. Her internal newsfeed popped up a message which said, "Emperor returned, cyborgs no longer in need of guardians." It appears the meetings with Camilla were successful.

The consciousness dawned upon her that she got to know about the result of the meetings from the press and not Kai, who told her every single detail about those nasty meetings just 2 days before.

Cinder had taken upon herself to solve the calculations that were formed between the two, she was not really sure if complications had already formed but Kai's behavior had to mean something.

If Kai would not reply to her texts then Torin would. She decided to ask him about what Kai was into to which he replied rather immediately that they were in a meeting. He told that Kai would be out of his task in about an hour or two. The strange thing was that Torin had told her about it without even asking it. Was she just being too obvious or was Torin a good reviewer of character? Unmistakably, it was her who was being too obvious. Who asks the royal advisor questions like that?

It was 2100 already, and waiting for Kai would require a long time. Yet she decided to lose her sleep and went on watching procrastinating videos to pass time. Stars above! She had totally forgotten that watching videos with such soothing music will make you fall asleep and- Dang! That's what happened. Before she could talk to Kai she had fallen into slumber. Only to be woken up in bed the next day with Kai not beside her. Disappointed and sadness overwhelmed her. She was definitely failing in her 'problem solver' duties.

She could hear water running in the bathroom. Maybe she was lucky, Kai had not left yet. Her internal clock said it was 0500. Kai had woken up an hour earlier than usual, probably just to avoid her. He would be disheartened to know that his plan was not successful.

Cinder drew herself out of the comfy blankets and straightened up so rapidly, that she felt that her life was dependent on this action. Well, she was not sure about her life, but both her day and probably her marriage was on line today.

Before she could think about what was to say, he emerged out, not yet dressed completely in finery. His head was wet and sleek from shower and water droplets dripped near his neck and ears. Both of them were unexpected of others and fell into an awkward silence, avoiding looking at each other. After what seemed like an eternity of suffocation, he coughed and mumbled something under his breath and went to dress. Cinder could not decide what she wanted to say and Kai did not want to say something-anything at all, as it appeared so they maintained a silence which was more suffocating than peaceful.

He was all dressed up and ready to leave, when Cinder had the guts to say something.

"I'm sorry, I let you down." She whispered, barely audible. She questioned if her voice had reached his ears but he gave an indication.

He was at the door and at the sound of her voice, he seemed to flinch and stand still. She thought that he would not reply anything but move on as if she had not said anything.

Without turning back or facing her, he groused, "Don't forget you have to take the prenatal test today."

Saying this he walked out leaving her alone-alone in her thoughts. She had completely forgotten about that and hearing Kai recall it just made it ten times worse. Her head throbbed; she wanted to cry her heart out. Alas, wishes don't come true for cyborgs like her.


"Your Majesty!" Torin called, walking all the way down the corridor.

"Yes Torin?"

He avoided her eyes and hesitantly said, "The Emperor has asked me to inform you that you are asked not to attend the meetings for a time-being"

What a wound to her already mourning heart that was!

"And why does the Emperor want me to not attend the meetings?"

Torin gave a look of daze; he was not expecting her to question Kai's authority or he was about to lie and was regretting it.

"I guess it is because of the recent incidents"

Very well.

"Okay." She turned to leave until Torin added, "He has also asked me to take the prenatal test today itself."

"Tell the Emperor that The Empress does not need to be told twice" she replied with bitterness. If Kai wanted to act like this, then so would she.

"Is that all, Torin?"

After a long pause he decided to speak, weighing his words with accuracy yet compassion at the same time, "I'm sorry Cinder to be the bearer of bad news. Kai is having his share of problems too. Perhaps yesterday's meeting did not go as planned. It seems he is forced to act in such a way."

"You have nothing to feel sorry for Torin. Do not justify the Emperor's action; he has every right to be angry. Beside neither you nor me can question His Majesty's decision."

Likely given a final blow of resignation and regret, she left. Only to be surrounded by needles and medical equipment. Her internal computer had already searched about paternity tests for unborn children. All of them were quite safe with 100% accuracy. She had come across an article which said that the person tested could miscarry because of its risk and had gone into panic mode. After much convincing from Jacin and numerous assurances she was ready to go through this test. It was not like she was afraid- hell she had shot Levana and survived a stab in the heart but maternal instincts make every woman protective of their child, even if unborn.


A/N: This chapter is short as I divided one chapter into two parts so the next part will be posted in a day or two. I have no idea how the prenatal paternity tests go so I will likely skip the procedure and just move on with the story- i don't know but I don't want the story to be filled with technicalities. Believe me, this way it will be better for both of us.

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