"Am I In Love?" (Is She)

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Look at his pale lips, grim line
Forms a swing, where they first met
His black hood is in rhyme
With his lies and life, his eyes are dead
His eyes are red, like the color of traffic lights
When he crossed the road, breaking orders
He sat on the swing, in front of him a girl's back
With her hair having strange curls and color

At five: forty-four in the afternoon
A girl is in question and rage
It was Sunday, skies were painted
Red, yellow, and orange
At five: fifty-three in the afternoon
A girl is writing her life's last page
With a sharp and rusted knife as her pen
And her brown and smooth paper is her skin

As the pen runs through the paper, red inks were secreted
But there's a hand with reddish knuckles precluded...
The girl from writing the end of her life
"Are you that insane and pained to die?"
He said in a cold tone that gives chills to the girl's bones
As he treated the wound, she eyed him with her eyes, his eyes are cold stone

But why would the boy saved the girl from darkness
When he, himself, in the dark is harnessed
When he, himself, felt that he is worthless,
When he, himself, caged in herse and depressed

She was in the same spot, same time, same day
She waited for him while watching the kids play
The difference is she's enthusiastic while the sky's grey
But she's hopeful even without the presence of the Sun's rays

She had a gift for the boy even it is not yet Thanksgiving Day
Yet as she waited, no shadows of him, then there's the rain
She again wondered, panics start to attack her brain
She feels the cold shower, she feels the showering pain
A curse, a whisper of a familiar voice, "Are you that insane?!"
A force, a fear of sudden no noise, of his clenched jaw and protruding veins

He asked her why she's there
In a cold tone that gives chills to the girl's bones
But she said, "Thank you, I could have died without you."
He was struck, his anger's dwindled
He was shocked, her voice lingered
She tells him about her week, how she's changed
She gave him her gift and "Thanks for the new age"

She waits for him there, everyday
Yet he badly wants her to stop
But he's concern for her fate
Her fate if he don't show up
But even himself admited that he wants to see her
For he has never felt appreciated, even from his father

Because of her, he learned how to smile again
His eyes were lit by the sunshine, a beautiful haven
But there are these questions
He can't speak up, can't mention
"What if I mention what's out of the limelights?
Will it produce us solitary times?"
He once again got afraid of loneliness
After her bringing such happiness

Like breathing air, he can't forget her
Like having an affair, feels unlawful
The feeling he cannot bare, in all blur
The ruffling of his hair, feels baffled
Ignorant from bizarre feeling, system's in half
In the basement, strums the guitar, asking, "Am I in love?"
The swing in his lips faded, he's bitter, he faked laugh
In the basement, strums the guitar, asking, "Is she even in love?"

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