Trade These Stumbles

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Through these stumbles, I can make chefs d'oeuvre
But my conscience rumbles, I want these to be over
For every minute, it's every second, to every golden hour
It's like the world had stopped, how mistakes have this kind of powers

Trade these stumbles, living under
Raging rambles that I always wonder
I astray, I crumbled, my body asunder
With my blades, I bumbled, the Great Alexander
Thoughts are red bulls, hard to tame and to handle
Snot, breaking the rules, frightening as a thunder

When I'm lost, my heart's in trouble
There's no pause, I grew some stubbles
Yet still in the frost, digging my grave with my shovel
Red lines I crossed, living like saved in my own bubble
He's pinned at the cross, the Greatest but so humble
Ready my life to be loss, ready to trade these stumbles

Yes, indeed, these experiences were turned into masterpieces
Yes, I bleed, but these feelings were written into poetries
But these feet had enough of these treasons, hundred bruises
And these knees aren't tough, frost season, hundred losses

And I am willing to ruin these Lourve of words of mine I have written
Done with bleeding, toxins, emperor's new groove, futile reasons
I could give up this mind that grows the loam, I stumbled, some flowers
I would live up this life to Him, to my Home, I am crumpled, I'm in shower

When I'm lost, my heart's in trouble
There's no pause, I grew some stubbles
Yet still in the frost, digging my grave with my shovel
Red lines I crossed, living like saved in my own bubble
He's pinned at the cross, the Greatest but so humble
Ready my life to be loss, ready to trade these stumbles

Trading these illicit imaginations of mine for a piece of serenity
Preparing for reset, a transfiguration of my soul for peace is the remedy
Like in the river of Jordan, with its water and the great John
Wake me up from fever of Satan, my Father, I want to be Your son

My clandestine revelries, curve ways, contradicting beliefs, corrupt days
Take all of those, all my prose, all my roses, all my words, all my dozes
Take this poet in my soul, and put it in the closet of bones with crosses
I am in cry, renew my life, make me die and live in mine, this ain't lie

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