Right in the Past Tense

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What's wrong?
It's another dawn
Rising in front of me is the sun
The fastest run is the time's gone
My belly grunt at what has done

My head wants to withdraw but my mouth yawned
My cheeks are rubicund for I only did was fun
Making a world on the dancefloor, it is where we romance
Faking into a sweet glance
Forehead fired with a gun
Four wrongs turned me to none
To go back is what I want but it is what I can't

And all I have now is a heavy heart
And hopes on stars
To stop the sharks
From killing me like radar

I remember the bar,
The kiss marks,
And the fire we start
Inside my car
Because being sober
Is romancing lover
Inside a big battle
All I want is a bottle

But now the time has passed
Doorknobs have rust,
Opening it on the rush,
Like what I felt on lust
Ironic, how time is right;
When it is in the past-
Tense, "I should have"s,
Regrets on a champagne glass,
Taking shots, and "I must"s

Fear of hearing silence
Time is right in the past tense

Yes, the time has passed
My skin's now peeling
I am covered with dust
But my skin's now healing
Long before, I crashed
But my skin's now feeling
Yes, the time has passed
My skin's now peeling

It's like I am a new creation
My mind has realizations
I was wishing to go back but now I have realized
All I need is to be on the right track
Hold the steering wheel tight
Let's go make our past right
By facing the present's rough-
Roads with our mighty trucks
Know life and enjoy its ride
Roads uneven and tough
Hold tight and control the drive

I remember the fire
We start inside my car
Good is it left me a scar
I stop the fire with water
Water that I took to be sober
All reveling is now over
I see now the life clearer
Riding it with my range rover

I lifted my heavy heart
I did my hopes on stars
I faced all bites of sharks
I embraced the shots of radars
Good is they left me scars

Time has passed
Doorknobs have rust,
Opening it on the rush,
Like what I felt on lust
Ironic, how time is right;
When it is in the past-
Tense, "I should have"s,
Regrets on a champagne glass,
Taking shots, and "I must"s

Fear of hearing silence
Time is right in the past tense
But now I realized life's essence
Making all right in my present

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