chapter 1

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(hey guys i will have some typos in this sinse im using my laptop and phone and or ipad but sorry about that. anyway thank all of you for reading my book! LOVE ALLOF YOU!!!)( I'll be tyring to update everyday but if i dont please dont blame me i am very busy with school and soccer;)

I wake up to the most annoying sound you can ever here. The alarm clock. Immediately I pick up my phone to see if i got any text messages. No Text messages but a comment on my direct message I sent harry last night.

Me: Can you stop messing around with my friends and leave everything between us. They don't need to get into our problems and arguements.

Harry: You brought this all on your self maybe you should just leave me be.

Me: What the fuck! i never did anything to you.

Harry: You didn't do anything? You have done everything you have nobody to go to but me. Just leave me alone.

Me: Whatever! I'm done with you.

I met Harry in 2nd grade. I never thought I liked him but things change as you get older. Mostly he changed he started to get more and more pissed off at everyone. I never understanded him. I wish he never moved here.

I get up and take a shower.

"Miranda? are you up?", my dad calls up.

"Yeah! I just finished my shower.", I yell down.

I dont get why he still does that. I'm a senior now.I'm resposiable enough to get my ass up.

I get back on my phone. 1 MISSED CALL FROM HARRY! What could he posiably want after the fight we just had?

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