chapter 2

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Looking at my phone of disbelief. Asking myself, why would he call me. He even left a voicemail. Which means it must be really improtant.

How did he even get my number. I mean yeah i texted him once but i thought he would of deleted it and forgot. Maybe he asked Chloe?

Frantically i dial her phone number not thinking of what i am doing. She dosen't pick up so i leave a voiemail.

I finally get the nerve to listen to Harry's voicemail. He sounded nervous and angry at the same time. We barely talk anyway and for him to leave a voicemail is probably killing him.

Harry's voicemail is longed and detailed. He called to say he was sorry and that it would never work out between him and me.

We both already knew that nothting would come out of us so i don't get why he had to say that. Maybe he was trying to make sure i knew that. Even know everytime we talk either Harry or i always brings up the subject.

His voicemail also included him saying that we ould still be friends.

What the hell is wrong with him. Does he know that we Haven't been fiends sinse he found out i liked him. He was always avoiding me never talking to me. Always in social media. Now that we are older all tat fighting we had when we were kids is coming back to bight me him and my friends in the ass.

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