03 | The Missing Queen

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Present Day

As I walk out of the large office building the sounds of honking car horns and people's harsh words from road rage fill my ears. I take a deep breath, well this is New York. I walk along the dark sidewalk and pass multiple people as they walk to their homes like I am. If you could even call it a home many people live in small studios or one bedroom apartments. But since I work in one of the biggest company's in New York I am able to live in a medium sized home on the edge of the city.

As my heels start to dig into my feet I let out a groan of irritation and start to limp on my feet. I start to approach a popular taxi stop I start to wave my hand in the air like a crazy women until one of the cabs stop infront of me. I quickly move towards the door and open it just to slam it behind me.

"Take me too the grocery store on the edge of the city please." The driver nods while looking at me in the mirror. The store on the edge of the city is pretty well know it has the best baked goods you could ever taste. I turn to my left and look out of the window and watch as the city passes me.

As we get to closer to the store I get out my wallet and pull out a twenty dollar bill and hand it too him through the small divider between the front seat and the back seat.

"Thank you have a nice day!" I say to the driver as I get out of the car he just smiles at me before driving off back to the city. I look up from the street and see the small store building with a large sign on the front that lights up. The front of the store has glass that lines it so that you can see the pastries nicely arranged on the shelves.

I walk towards the door and open it making the bell ring through the store. Mr.Pines, the owner of the store turns towards me from one of the eiles and waves at me, I smile at the old man and wave back.

"How has your week been Isadora?"

"It has been pretty good Mr.Pines, how has the store been going?" He looks at me knowingly. The store has gone through some rough patches since Mr.Pines daughter passed away his wife has been distant he says, but I guess she's just mourning.

I walk towards the eile full of ice cream and grab two pints of my favorite flavors. Mint chocolate chip and Smores.

I also grab a small thing of eggs for breakfast and to make some of my home made pasta. I walk towards the cash register and wait for Mr.Pines to scan my items but he just yells from the back of the store.

"Just take it have a good night! Be careful on the way home!" I smile at Mr.Pines kindness.

"Thank you Mr.Pine! Tell Mrs.Pines I said hello." I see an arm come up from one of the eiles which is Mr.Pines with his hand in a thumbs up. I laugh to myself and walk out of the small store and make my way back home.


As I walk closer to my house I see my little baby Willow. She is an all white husky that becomes a pain in the ass when I wear black clothes. But I love her. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she pants infront of the window, making it fog up a little. She barks at me as her tail wags happily and  then she dissappears from the window. I laugh at her actions and go to the front door and get my key out of my purse.

As I unlock and open the door I see Willow laying down on her bed right at the door. I smile at her knowing that she is just following the rules. When she was a puppy she always liked to run out of the door and circle around me and then run back inside. It was funny but it was seemingly hard to get her back in the house. So I taught her to lay on her pillow when ever I had came to the front door.

I close the door behind me and get onto my knees and pat my legs to get her to come to me.

"Come here baby! Aww your such a good girl!" I say in a high pitched voice to Willow as I pet her soft fur. She makes a howl kind of noise that seems like she is talking too me and I laugh.

I soon get up from the floor and look at my skirt to see it covered with Willows white hair. I shake my head and stroll toward the mud room. I get to the mud room but grabbing her bowl from infront of the door. I must say Willow is a smart girl and she pushes her bowl infront of the door to the mud room everytime she finishes her food.

I open the small fridge and get out her assortment of food. I like to put raw food with her dry food because either is supposed to be good for them. I take the raw chicken feet and cut up chicken breast out of the fridge. I fill up Willow's bowl half full of dog food and then put 5 pieces of the cut up chicken breast and chicken feet into the bowl. As Willow sits infront of the mud room door I turn off the rooms light and close the door back up and walk towards the kitchen with her following close behind.

I turn around and face her while still holding the bowl of food.

"Sit. Lay down. Stay." I place the bowl infront of her. And then snap and she get up and starts to eat her food. I walk over to the sink and look at the small pile of dishes.

I turn on the hot water and grab my dishes scrubber and scrub all of the dishes clean, rinse them off, dry them off, and then put them away.


I know this chapter was probbably boring but It will get better I promise. Thank you for reading, And Have an amazing day!



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