11 | The Missing Queen

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   Today is just like another day. Wake up, shower, pack business, sleep, and then repeat. I wish I had my mate like everyone else but the moon goddess had something else in store for me.

While being an only child you have most of the pressure of having a mate on your shoulders. Your the only way for your parents too have grandkids, so at every second they make sure to remind you that once you find your mate you are to get straight to the mating part, but I couldn't do that too my mate. I would want to make it special not just mate with her because I was being engulfed in want and need for her body and to mark her.

No, I want to court her. Which was when you wait a certain amount of time before you have sex or mark your mate. Of course their were some exceptions but I would make sure she knew I would love her for her not her body or for a heir.

I was packing a small bag for the Mateing Meet that the packs had every three years. I wasn't excited, it always turns out the same like the last 4 times. I don't expect anything other than a group of unmated she-wolves that usually surrounded me everywhere I went. I stuffed a suit, dress shoes, sleep clothes, and a comfy outfit for the way home. My other bag had cologne and the stuff I need for a shower and too shave the short stubble on my chin.

I hear a knock on my door and yell 'come in'. I see my beta walk in with a smile on his face, I just ignore him and zip up my bag.

"I think your going to find your mate this time." He said excitedly I just rolled my eyes.

"It's just gonna turn out the same way it does any other year." I feal a pang in my chest. It still hurts to think that my mate may not be there tonight. For about a year or two, my wolf has been getting weaker and weaker. The other person who seemed to notice was my beta(Izaak).

He was my best friend since before I could remember. Our mothers were best friends and just happened to have two boys at the same time. Like they quite literally had both of us in the same hospital room.

"It's okay Zayair you'll meet her soon I can tell." I give him a small smile before linking my driver to start the car. I grab both of my bags and give Izaak a quick hug before leaving my house.

I watch as my driver holds the door too the back seat of the car open for me. I slip into the car after giving him my bags before grabbing my Laptop from the pocket behind the passenger seat and click through emails and messages as we start our long drive.


"Alpha....Alpha we have arrived." I sit up from the back seat of the car and give a nod too my driver. I put my computer back too where it belongs and slide out of the car, then closing the door behind me.

Gilbert grabs my bags from the trunck and I take them from his hands before walking to the Councils house. It is big enough too fit a dozen packs with still room left. It's pretty much a hotel. I walk in and see a girl rush up to me. She bows her head and then grabs my bags before taking me too my room.

Alphas and there pack get their own floor so that no chaos happens between them. The council is very strict at times like these and likes too keep everyone on their toes. The girl rushes back to the elevator after unlocking the room door for me. I step in the room too see a wall of only windows. The view shows the forest with trees scattered on every spot of land.

I throw my bags onto the chair in the corner of the room then sitting down on my bed and pulling off my shoes, before placing them beside the bed. I lay back on the bed and let out a breath of contentment.

I let my eyes close as I try and sleep through the night but like usual I stay up and stare at the woods that surround the building. I can never sleep a full night anymore, it's like the moon goddess is trying too keep me up so I will go and find my mate but I don't. I have traveled half of the world in look for her but I just couldn't find her. The moon goddess had a weird way of showing people the importance of a mate whether making their mate reject them or make them wait years or decades for them.

But that's what I don't get. I was excited for a mate ecstatic to meet her. And to just smell her scent. I day-dreamed about it, about what she would look like, about what her voice would sound like, what she would feel like. I quickly shake the thoughts from my head and lay back down into the empty bed that I wished was filled with my mate and her scent.

My heart broke everyday more and more but I didn't tell anyone anymore. I kept it in until one day I would just crash.


Soooo how are you guys feeling about Zayair? *heart eyes*
I hope you, beautiful reader, have a day filled with excitement!



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