12 | The Missing Queen

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    As I walk up the stairs to a large door that somehow is taller than two of me I wonder if I will find my mate. I mean I didn't really know about mates till kind of recently and it is kind of a big thing to werewolves like myself. Alpha Micheal and Anna stand in front of me as the door swings open too show a fifty year old looking women with a wide smile that makes wrinkles show on her face.

'That is Ela she is apart of the council.' I hear Anna say through the mind link too me. I just slowly nod is awnser.

"Hello Alpha Micheal we are very happy you decided to join us this year!" Usually mated Alphas still come too these too watch over their unmated pack members.

"Ahh you must be the famous Isadora we have been wanting too meet with you." The old lady says to me with a still wide smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you Council Ela." I bow my head at her too show my respects but she fastly waves it off. A small women comes and takes my bag as Ela grabs my hand and softly pulls me towards a large room full of people. I feel the power radiating off of them but I don't cower I stand straight and meet each and every single one of their gazes. My eyes move too a younger looking man with long brown hair with small grey streaks throughout it.

"Hello Isadora, please take a seat." I slightly raise my eyebrows and he moves his hand towards the only chair on the other side of the table. There are about 10 people on the other side of it six of them being women and 4 being men. I softly plop into the seat and lean back waiting for any of them too speak.


ARE THEY FUCKING CRAZY!! I angerly pull at my hair as I try to wrap my head around this injudicious idea that the council has given me. They want me to mate with this dude named Zion! Who even is that! Assumively if I don't find my mate at the Mate Meeting then I have to have pups with this Alpha! I rush up the stairs and get into the elevator.

I push the number three multiple times until I hear the ding of the elevator and then the doors open. I fastly jump out of the elevator and trudge towards Anna and Micheals room. And without even knocking I bust into the room too see a hideous sight if you know what I mean. I make a fake puking noise.

"Get out!" I hear Anna yell while half laughing. And I rush out of the room and grab my key on the way out.

I zoom towards my room and open the door. Quickly I run towards the bed and plop on it stomach first. Who the hell does this council think they are. I have too get out of here I think to myself. I pick up my two bags off of the ground and tiptoe into the empty hallway. I softly close the door and make sure no one is in the hallway or sees me. As I see that it's all clear I rush towards the emergency stairs.

While pushing the door I let out a breath as I jump down the six sets of stair cases. I get too the bottom and open the door that says exit in red letters. I fastly push open the door and am met with trees. A flipping forest! I groan loudly but I catch the slight noise of a waterfall and creak, it almost sounded like the one from back home. I pull off my clothes and stuff them into my bag and shift. It hasn't hurt like it did the first time and I'm happy about that because I don't think I could handle that again.

I duck my head under the loop on my bags and I quickly start running towards the dense forest. I dodge trees and fallen logs as the trees blurr past me. The cold wind of a normal fall night flows through my fur and Lin seems too enjoy it just as much as I am.

The waterfall sounds closer and closer until I am standing right infront of it. The clear water moves around where more of it falls from the creak above it. I dip my head down and drink some of the fresh spring water. And as I lift my head I hear a crack. The sound of a twig breaking fills my ears as I turn around and look for any threats. Not seeing any in plain sight I put my head in the air and sniff the air.


I start to feel worry creep on me as I look around to try and find this rouge. Not seeing any I growl loudly as if telling them to come out. The power in my growl shakes the ground and I see three wolves jump out from behind a large bush. They are covered in dirt and blood as they snarl at me showing their rotting canines. Two of them are small and the other is a little smaller than me but bigger than the others. I did seem to have a large wolf that was larger than Alpha Micheals and Anna's.

One trys too jump for my leg but I fastly push my foot on his head and make sure his snout is in the dirt. He growls under my foot and I try and push down harder to break his neck against the ground but one of his buddy's run towards me. Not being prepared I fall back but quickly stand up and growl at the wolf.

He snarled in return and goes straight for my neck but I push my paw at his neck which knocks him away from me and into a tree. The larger wolf runs towards me full speed and I swiftly move too the side so that he hits his head against the large tree behind me. I hear a loud crack from the wood as his head hit the wood. And just as I think I'm done four other rouges jump out from the dense woods. They all snarl at me and grab me all at the same time I try too shake them off of me but they kept a strong hold on me and I felt something burn my skin as I am tied to a tree. I shift at the tightness of the silver chain that burns my skin. Thinking it would be a better Idea to be in human form I shift and hear a man laugh.

"Well what do we have here?" I can hear the smirk that the man has on his face. He steps out of the darkness and a scar stretches from the top right corner of his eyebrow and down to the corner of his lip. The scar has yellow and white pus inside of it and I almost vomit at the smell of this man as he steps closer to me.

His nasty, rott smelling breath fans on my face as he grabs my chin roughly. I give him a nasty glare and he laughs.

"Your not in any position to be giving glares to anyone, Isadora." He smiles at me when I shiver in disgust. How does he know my name?!? But I don't ask any questions knowing it may put my life in more danger. I try and mindlink Anna but it seems as though she had blocked me out and the same with everyone in the pack.

"Wolfsbane takes out your wolf pretty easily, you can't midlink, shift, or talk to your wolf! Amazing isn't it?" I just thread my eyebrows together and spit at him. He wipes the spit from around his eye as I smirk at him.

"Your going to regret that." My smirk turns into a thin line as the horror of this situation sets in.

What am I going to do.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the 'little' cliff hanger! I hope your having a great day!



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