10 | The Missing Queen

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    As I quickly block the tall standing males fists, he starts to get more angry. He has lost about ten times but still seems too think he can win since I'm a women.

Sorry I should probably fill you in. I have been at the Widdow Pack for about a year now. I know crazy right! I'm surprised they haven't kicked me out to be honest.

But anyways since I got put into this pack I was connected in a week or so. And Anna and I have been best friends. I love her so much! We do so many things together and she is like a person I can always talk too. Which I do.

I have trained for the first time one month after being put into this pack. At first it was hard since I was kind out of shape unlike all of the other wolves but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Alpha Micheal was surprised at how quickly I caught on with the moves and techniques when fighting so he got the top Warrior to train me. Which is who I am fighting right now. He has been training me with incredibly hard tactics but I successfully complete each session.

"Come on Isadora just hit me already!" He said with annoyance.

I caught him off gaurd when he let his right leg slip to right slightly making it easier too kick it out from under him. And thats what I did. He fell forwards with a thud but had already flipped on his back. I straddled on top of him and pinned his arms above his head. He smirked.

"I kind of like this position." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Quit being such a perv West." He just laughed and I got up off of him and grabbed my towel that was soaked with sweat and my bottle full of now warm water. Wasn't as refreshing as I liked, but it would work.

"You excited for the Mating Meet today?" I look at him wide eyed

"What mateing meet! No one told me about this?" He just shrugs.

"It happens every three years. I though Anna would have told you." I quickly turn towards the pack house and run straight too my room once I enter the house.

'Why didn't you tell me about the Mateing Meet?' I say through me and Anna's mindlink.

'I didn't want you to worry about it. We can get you a dress in a little bit. I'll be at the pack hose in and hour be ready.' She ordered.

I groan and flop backwards on my bed. Why did I just now learn about this! I quickly get back up from my bed just thinking about how sweaty I am. I run too the bathroom and strip from my sticky clothes and turn on the shower.


As I walk out of the pack house in a thin zip-up and a pair of black leggings I jog towards Anna's car. The newly detailed car shines in the summer sun.

I duck into the car and am immediately bombarded with questions from Anna.

"Do you think your going too meet your mate? Oh what color dress are you going to get? Also I can do your hair I got some pic-" I cut her off saying

"I thought you wanted me not too worry about this." She looks at me with a scowl.

"Don't be a party pooper Isadora." I just laugh and look out of the window as we pull out of the pack house driveway.


We arrive at the mall and I am rushed into a store filled with extravagant dresses. My mouth hangs open as I see the stones and beads on the dresses glimmer in the stores light. A women rushes up to our aid and asks us if we need help. Of course Anna told her everything and what my sizes were I just told her that I wanted something black and tight.

I dont like flowey dresses, I have just always hated them since I was a kid. I definitely wasn't a Queen or princess so why try and look like one?

I was quickly dragged over to a dressing room with about four or five dresses. Anna yelled for me too try them on and walk out and show her. I did, the first one was too flowy, the second was to tight on my chest and seemed to push my boobs down instead of up. The third was okay but it was just too simple for you too meet your possibly mate in. The fourth was too sparklely their were too many jewls that it looked like they were just randomly glued onto the dress.

But the last one...it was perfect. I flowed just the right amount, it was tight in all the right places, and it showed just the right amount of skin for me not to be called a slut for wearing it. It had a thin silver bar on the waist and the deep v-neck showed just the right amount of cleavage. A long slit that went from the bottom of the dress and to the top of my thigh would make it impossible for my mate to keep his hands from me. I was so excited that I started to jump up and down in the dressing room squealing like a young child.

I walk out of the dressing room and Anna's eyes widen.

"Oh my goddess that has too be the one! It's absolutely beautiful! Your mate will mark you as soon as he sees you!" She squeaks out. I just smile widely while looking at my reflection in the mirror. This is gonna be a good night.


I hope you enjoyed another chapter of my book! I hope your having a great day that is just as great as you are!



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