05 | The Missing Queen

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As our uber pulls up in front of my house me and Jennifer duck into the car as she tells the driver where to drive us. I pull my seat belt down and infront of me and listen to the satisfying click of the buckle.

And just as fast as we got into the car we stop infront of the packed club.

"This line is going to take forever!" I groan. I didn't even want to come here and now we have to stand out here in the cold.

"Follow me." Jennifer has this mischievous look on her face and I know what this means either trouble or she knows something I don't.

We walk towards to front of the club cutting infront of everyone while bumping into them and saying sorry to multiple rude girls with attitudes. We finally get too the bouncer Jennifer grabs one of his buff arms and whispers in his ear. They obviously have something for each other, Jennifer is the life of the party kind of person but she won't show that much attention to someone she doesn't know.

She pulls away from him and he has a smirk on his face as he opens the door for us.

"Thank you." I say while smiling and he just looks at me. Well rude you could have at least smiled back. And before I could ask Jennifer who that guy was she was dragging me towards the v.i.p section of the club. I wonder how we got this lucky or how Jennifer got this lucky.

We walk into a room that is dark but has multiple small lights scattered around the room and a pole. I might have to try that out. But we sit down at the large expensive couch.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks you should go have some fun! Go let loose a little!" And with that Jennifer sways out of the room. Uggghh why am I always the one left behind. But anyway I get up from the extremely comfortable couch and walk to the dance floor. People sway their body's too the music and it's beat. People laugh and take shots with their friends while I try and walk through the dance floor too the small and quiet bar in the corner.

I push through the thick crowd and make it to the bar and sit down at one of the bar stools and let out a breath.

"Tough night?" I hear someone say. I slowly look up too see the bartender drying small glasses. I laugh and say,

"More like week." He smiles at me.

"Well maybe a drink can help?"

"Yep sounds great." And after that it was blurr. One second I was on my first shot and then the second I was being pulled to somewhere. A person's arm was wrapped around my waist and I could see the red exit sign coming into view.

I groaned loudly at the banging of the music that seemed to add more fuel to my migrane that developed in two seconds, I hear a deep chuckle come from the person carrying me. And they say,

"It's okay I'll take good care of you." Ohh this was not good. I tried to yell at the man and push away from him but it was like my body was paralyzed and I could only watch and see what happens next. I tried to move my toes to see if I even had control of my body but it didn't work. I tried to move my fingers not working.

And then the man opens the door to show a dark alley he pushes my body against the brick wall on the outside of the club. No no no, this cannot be happening I didn't even want to go out tonight! I feel something wet trail down my face.

"Oh baby it's okay I won't hurt you were just here to have some fun!" He says and I can feel my stomach turn and my throat start to clench. Someone help me please, Someone help. As the fight in me starts to disappear a voice comes from the back of my head.

'I'm here.'


What is gonna happen next?
Well guess your just gonna have too keep reading too find out.



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