15 | The Missing Queen

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    I get dressed in a simple outfit which consists of loose sweats and a fitting black tank top. I also throw a oversized zip-up on and put on my favorite necklace.

Its long gold chain lays around my neck as I shift the small circle that has even smaller diamonds on it so that it is centered. I got it for my birthday one year and it never seemed to leave my neck.

I walk out of my room and lock the door behind me. As I travel down the long hallway I link Anna telling her I was going to the kitchen to get something to eat. She answers telling me to be careful but I just brush off the comment seeing nothing to be careful of.

I push the button on the elevator and it quickly opens the doors and I walk into the small space. Pressing the ground floor button I close my eyes and lean my head against the elevator wall.

'I want to see my mate.' Lin says to me.

'I know Lin but there's just to much going on right now, we have to deal with the council, rouges, and our mate. We are also, not in the best shape at the moment.' She groans in response

'Being with our mate will help us feel better, we won't have to worry about rouges. He will keep us safe.' She wines

'We will see him soon but we need to take it slow. Okay?'

'Okay.' She responds

The elevator beeps and I sit up from the wall I was laying against and wait for the doors to open. Once they open I walk out into another hallway. I continue down it and walk towards the doors that say kitchen. Once I make it to the doors I softly push them open and step into the room.

Black marble counters and floors stand out as the bright white cabinets, adding more brightness to the kitchen. I move towards the fridge doors that look just like large cabinets and open them. The fully stocked fridge showcased multiple different types of fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy produce. As I'm about to grab the eggs from the fridge I hear someone clear their throat from behind me.

I quickly whip around to see my mate staring me down with his deep green eyes. I roll my own eyes and get back to looking through the fridge completely ignoring his presence.

"Isadora we need to talk." His deep voice makes my knees weak as I continued to look through the fridge. The thoughts that slowly started to flood my head wouldn't be the type you would say out loud.

"About what Zayair." I try to sound as innocent as possible and he reacts how I thought he would. I hear him lowly growl knowing that I am testing him.

"We need to talk about us. You can't just ignore your mate. I know it hurts you just as much as it does me." He's right I don't know if I can take the pain my wolf feels every second we aren't with him, but I just don't say anything knowing that the words I may say will betray what I need, rather than want.

"Please Isadora just let me be your mate." His words almost shatter my heart, the way his voice cracked in between some of his words made it worse. I can't just act like he isn't there because that would be rejecting a gift from the gods.

'Please Isadora.' Lin also buts in and I can't say no anymore.

"Fine, but we need to take it slow." I say finally turning around and looking at his handsome self. His eyes gleam as he looks at me with a smile that almost makes me faint.

"Okay. So what would you like for breakfast?" He says while raising an eyebrow at me.


I watch his muscles move under his tight shirt as he moves the omelette onto a plate from it's hot pan. The whole kitchen was filled with Zayair's mouth watering scent since he had moved almost all around the room. I stare at his large arms and strong hands as he moves around the kitchen putting away all of the ingredients he used. I bet my eyes look like hearts from how much I have already fell in love with this man's look.

I know it is probably the mate bond and that I just said I wanted to take things slow but I can't take having this man I'm supposed to always love in front of me without wanting him to take me on the counter right in front of me. He turns around and places the plate in front of me with a large omelette laying on it. Steam comes off of his rich smelling creation. He looks up to me as I am sitting in the stools at the island in the middle of the room, my eyes haven't left him since I first looked at him earlier and it seems like he noticed. He raises his eyebrow and gives me a smile before he says,"See something you like darling?"


I hope you readers are having a amazing day! This was kind of a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!



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