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The next morning, sun poured into Tyler's bedroom like a spotlight- warming a patch of wooden floor where his dogs were sleeping contently. His body was tangled into the sheets, his skin covered in nothing more than a pair of boxers on his lower half- rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the brunette was sure that he was going to wake up alone- But as he rolled over and felt his hands brush against another person- he immediately became more aware.

Lying next to him wearing nothing but Tyler's t-shirt and her panties, Y/N was still asleep. Her eyes closed and chest heaving up and down with relaxed breaths. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was washed off, giving the impression that she had cleaned herself up after they finished last night. Tyler's stomach twisted as he hoped that she didn't plan on leaving. Maybe she had started to leave after he fell asleep but something caused her to stay? That was the dream anyways.

A soft groan slipped past the woman's lips as she slowly started to wake up- the light making her squint as she rubbed her eyes. Eventually, her eyes began to flutter open- the first thing she noticed was Cash, Tyler's dog sitting patiently beside the bed and wagging his tail. Giggling softly, she reached forward and gave him a little pat. He was adorable, much like his daddy.

"morning." Tyler greeted, a dopey smile stretching across his lips. He couldn't deny the fact that he was happy she was still there- waking up next to her and seeing how beautiful she was, now that was something he could get used to.

As the girl turned around, she looked at him and her expression softened, a tiny grin stretching upon her lips as she laid down in his blankets again. "Morning..." they didn't have to exchange any words about what happened the night before- the two of them just taking in each other's appearance and revelling in the company of one another.

Rolling onto his side and looking at the woman, he played with a strand of her hair- twirling it within his fingers and humming. "Did you sleep well?" He asked quietly. Something about the morning just seemed so relaxing and he wanted to stay in bed all day- even though he knew they couldn't. Seeing the way Y/N's lips parted as she breathed, and the way her back arched as she stretched- shaking the sleep from her body had Tyler enthralled. Everything about her had a hold on him, He was almost concerned that he was falling for this girl so quickly.

Y/N turned towards him, going a bit closer and intertwining their hands- she liked the way that his body felt against hers- it wasn't sexual at all, but something about being so close to him and in such a domestic setting sent a fire to her belly- he had been cracking at the walls she had built up, and now it seemed as though they had fallen and she was ready to let herself breathe around him. "Yeah, You're quite the body pillow." She snickered, moving closer she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, Tyler instantly smiling into it and gripping her hips.

After they had finally convinced each other to get up and start being productive, The brunette sent Y/N into the bathroom to get a shower, giving her some fresh clothes that his sister had left in the spare bedroom last time she stayed over. Meanwhile, he took the responsibility of making breakfast. It was nothing fancy, just some toast and coffee- cereal if Y/N really wanted it.

It didn't take long until the girl came downstairs wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Tyler couldn't help but laugh- this was the most dressed down he had ever seen the woman, and he had seen her naked on multiple occasions. "Don't you look cozy." He teased, passing her a cup of coffee and pushing a plate of food towards her.

The counter top was cold as Tyler leaned against it, Y/N sitting across from him as she took a sip of her coffee. This was the life he wanted- a beautiful girl to wake up to every morning, the two of them enjoying each others company and sharing time together. "Your sister has good taste- The pyjamas are very comfortable." She complimented- after thanking him for the breakfast.

For a short while, they just talked about the plans for the day- It was supposed to be very relaxed, Y/N didn't have any events she needed to be at but she had been doing some thinking about apartment hunting- living at home with her father was getting old. "I wouldn't mind it though if you came with me?" She proposed gently. It wasn't like she was asking him to move in with her or to help her, but she liked being around Tyler and his company was welcomed.

Nothing the cocky smirk that graced Tyler's pink lips, the girl quickly corrected herself. "You know- cause you're on my security detail... I'm sure you could dictate wether the area was safe or not." She blushed, looking down into the black liquid steaming in her mug, she tried to tame her thoughts- she was getting too comfortable with him for her liking, but she didn't want it to stop- she really liked Tyler and wanted to see where things could go.

"Yeah sure" Tyler chuckled, he finished his cup of coffee before putting the dishes in the sink and rinsing them off. "I was just checking and the interview you did was published this morning." He pushed his phone towards her- Things were looking good. People seemed to like the answers that she had given based on her father's mistakes. While Y/N was relieved, she couldn't help but feel slightly dejected. She didn't want to be the one that had to deal with her father's fuck ups. She knew he wasn't going to change and Lying to the public was only going to make things worse.

Along with the positive reviews, there were also some negative comments. People ranging from- "Its nice to see them working towards making things better" all the way to "This is just another scam- the only thing they are teaching the senator is how to be a racial biggot in private."

If y/n was being honest, that's exactly what she thought the publicists were doing. She had been thinking about separating herself from the family for a long time, She had her own company so it wasn't like she was relying on her daddy's money. Maybe moving out would be the first step in gaining her independence.

"I can see the wheels spinning in your head... What are you thinking?" Tyler asked softly. Glancing up, the girl flushed- he was definitely observant, the last few months they had been working together they had grown to learn each other's habits quite well.

Taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat- almost as if this was hard for her to say. "I think I'm going to separate myself from my family... I don't believe in the things my father is apart of... This prissy life with too many restrictions is just a lot- last night at the party... and this morning with you- thats the type of life I want." She admitted to him.

Tyler couldn't help but smile at that- He knew deep down from the first day he started working for her that she wasn't like everyone else in her family. She wasn't prissy and spoiled even though she tried to pretend she was. "Does that mean things between us will change?" He asked with a slight grin. He wanted to try being with her- they had chemistry, the sex was great, he cared for her deeply- now he just wanted to learn about the person she really was- away from work and being her bodyguard.

Y/N locked eye with him and nodded softly. "Yeah... For the better." She reassured him. If she didn't have to worry about her father all the time or the reputation being apart of his clique came with, she could let herself open up and really make an attempt at having her own life- getting to choose who she wanted in it and to what extent. Tyler was one of those people, she wanted him in it as much as he would allow her.

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