chapter 1: A new start

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Asami's POV

'Dear diary
       Its been five months since my mother's death. My father and I grew apart...him more into his dealing with school. Me and my sister are closer than ever...just like mother would have wanted. Today I don't want to be sad. Today I get to see Opal. I think I'll see azula...who knows she's always busy with planning big events for the school. Today is a good day...A new start.'

Knock knock knock knock

"Come in" I say. The door opens. Its my older sister, Jayanti Sato. She's twenty-one way older than me. "Goodmorning sleepy head" said Jayanti. "Hey..." I said putting my diary down. "Ah...sorry did i interrupt your writing?" She asked. "What...oh no, its ok I was just done" I said. "Ok well, get ready for school...junior year!" My sister said smiling and closing the door. I smiled as she left. I got out of bed and put on a red crop top, a jacket with my fathers company logo on the back. I grabbed some black tight skinny jeans. I opened a door to my walk in closet. I saw some brown timber boots and put them on. Finally I was ready, I grabbed my bag and went down stairs.

"Finally 'Sami you take forever!" My sister said. "Haha..." I Laughed sarcastically. "Lets go." My sister said. She grabbed her keys and we left the mansion.

At the schools parking lot

"Call me if you need anything" Jayanti said. "Yes I know" I said getting out of the car and closing the door. I waved at my sister as she waved back. She left and I stood there. I then turned around and headed towards the entrance.

"ASAMI!" I hear a high sqeaky voice. I turn around its Opal. Opal my best friend since kindergarten, she's the same age as me, 17. "Opal!" I say smiling. She runs up and hugs me. "How have you been..." she says in a sad tone. "Opal I'm fine ok...I don't want this year to start off with a sad reminder" I said. "Sorry...ok I won't be the reason for a sad year start off...since its a new start...have you heard a new transfer student is in town and she's a junior like us and she getting in today!" Opal said.

" know I don't care about the new kids. I'm popular!" I say with a smile. "Right...C'mon let's go see azula" opal said. I said yes and we went inside, we found her talking with the basketball team, typical Azula. She sees me and rushes over.

" are you doing" she says in a sad tone. "I'm fine...I want this year to start off with a good start, so no asking if im okay" I said. "Ok, let's go outside" azula says and leads the way. Me and Opal follow right after we put our stuff in our lockers.

Korra's POV

'Dear diary

       Its been one hundred and seventy years since I've seen or heard from my brother. I've stopped searching since my friend Kuvira told me to stop my search and move on. My brother is nothing like me, he's more into killing and feeding off humans. I now live with my nephew, he had me enrolled in a school. Republic High. Today is a new day, a new start.

Knock knock knock knock

"Hey aunt get up you have to go to school" My nephew Jake said. "You enjoy seeing me go to school don't you" I said lifting an eyebrow. "Meybe...but for real, hurry." He said. "I'm going, I'm going" I said.

Jake left my room and I got up and took a quick shower. I got out and I got out a blue shirt and biker jacket that belonged to my brother. I slipped into some guy jeans. I went towards my closet and I saw some nice brown timber boots. I grabbed my day light ring and put it on. I opened my curtains and and the sun was bright. I headed downstairs and quickly ate food, grabbed my bag and grabbed my keys to my motorcycle.

At the schools parking lot

I finally arrived. I saw a few pretty girls. I still had my helmet on, so I dismounted my bike. I uncliped my helmet and I took it off. I could see a few girls looking at me and blushing.

No One's POV

Korra got off her bike and took off her helmet. Asami, Opal and Azula had been staring at korra getting off her bike. Korra grabbed her bag and played with her short hair. Asami was blushing at the actions of korra. "Oooooh, Asami has a crush..." said opal nudging at Asami's arm. "Ofcourse not!...I'm just admiring her hair..." Asami said with a shade of pink on her face. "Excuse me...hi I'm new here and I wanted to know where the office is" said korra. Asami turned around. "Ava!..." korra said. "I'm Asami Sato" Asami said in confusion.

Korra was confused. She swore to herself that it was Ava. 'It can't be her...she died. And she's wasn't a Sato.' Korra thought to herself. "Sorry...i...ummm you looked a bit familiar...i guess I got confused" korra said apologizing. "Its where did you say you need to go" Asami said. "The office to get my schedule." Korra said. "Ooooh I can take you...I'm Azula Angeles, I'm the student body ill give you a tour and then we can go to the office" Azula says grabbing korra's arm and dragging her towards the entrance. "O-oh okay" korra said.

The bell rang and everyone went to there first period.

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