For the first time in 2 years..

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Alex had made sure the house was looking as nice as it could. She had dusted, hoovered, changed the sheets and done the bins. Eva was wearing a pair of brown leggings, white t-shirt with a brown heart, her hair done by Alex in a half up and down and her supergirl socks. Alex and Eva had been to the park earlier and gone to do some shopping. Both of them loved being productive so always took advantage of the weekends.

Alex was also still in her clothes from earlier which consisted of her white long sleeved top, plain black skinny jeans and she had plain socks on. Her heart was racing again she was nervous for Maggie to meet Eva even if they were going to be friends.

"Eva darling i need to talk to you about something" Alex said to her daughter as she paused the tv.

"Hey mum i was watching that!" Eva wined.

"You can turn it back on in a minute."

"Fine ok what is it then?"

"So one of my friends is coming over that i want you to meet in a bit."

"Oh you mean your girlfriend" Eva giggled.

"Uh no missy, she's just a friend" Alex laughed.

"Ok whatever you say mum. But quick question do you like her like that?"

"Oh Eva I do but we are just friends." Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Ah that's her, behave ok." Alex turned the tv back of pause and headed over to the door.

"Ah Danvers nice place." After getting Eva, Alex had moved to a three bedroom house which was gorgeous.

"Thanks Mags, um come in come in." Maggie came in and had a look around when she spotted Eva in the front room. Alex had closed the door and lead Maggie to the area where Eva was. The downstairs was open plan so it was easy to walk around.

"Eva darling this is my friend Maggie Sawyer" Alex said while introducing the two of them to eachother.

"Hi Maggie it's nice to meet you. My mum has told me a lot about you." Eva said with a beaming smile on her face. Both Maggie and Alex chuckled at the same time.

"And so have i your mum speaks a lot about you. I like your outfit." The two of them continued their conversation while Alex made Evas dinner of some simple macaroni and cheese with broccoli. Eva then ate her food and then she went up to get ready for bed while her and Maggie started making their dinner. Alex eventually went up and tucked in Eva.


"Yes my sweet"

"Maggie is a good girlfriend"

"Oh Eva what did i say we are friends"

"Ok mum whatever you say" as Eva did this she tapped her mums head.

"Okay okay enough chatter i love you goodnight"

"Night mum. Oh mama for the record i really like Maggie."

"I'm glad you do." Alex said with a little laugh. Alex headed back downstairs to where Maggie was draining the spaghetti.

"Oh wow you did a lot without me"

"What can i say Danvers i'm a chef as you should remember." Alex chuckled at this of course.

"Well i shall grab the plates, is red wine good for you?"

"Yep whatever you got" The two of them sat down for their spaghetti bolognese and chatted while eating.

"Well Eva is a lovely girl she's so vibrant."

"Aw she really is the best." Alex felt so happy that Maggie liked Eva. The two of them talked some more and then cleared up the plates and then started getting serious.

"You look beautiful tonight Alex"

"Not as good as you." Maggie was wearing a blue shirt today, black jeans and was wearing converse when she came in.
"I miss you." Alex blurted it out. "Oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to"

"No no it's ok. I miss you to. A lot." Maggie replied in a soft tone.

The two of them came closer to each other and locked lips. They kissed and giggled.

"Well your still a good kisser" Alex let out.

Maggie smiled up at her and went in again except this time Alex ran her hands through Maggie's hair and Maggie put her arms round Alex's shoulders and touched her face.
Oh how Alex had missed her. She felt so good. Just then Maggies phone buzzed.

"Oh crap work."

"It's okay don't worry go we can pick up this another time."

"I'll see you Danvers." Maggie gave Alex one last kiss grabbed her shoes and left. Alex felt so alive and happy.

"About time Alex" she said to herself with a chuckle.

Second Chance: A Sanvers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now