Part 7

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Keith's dad looked at Keith as if he saw a ghost, well that's what happens when you lose all kind of communication whatsoever with the people who once meant something important in their lives. He was so speechless to him standing in front of him with Tess, that he canceled his plan just to spend the rest of the day at home. Keith thought that he was going to see his mom but happened to find another woman sitting in the living room watching movies on the couch and other kids running around the house with toys in their hands while screaming... "As it been that long dad ?" said Keith with a fake smile on his face. His dad didn't know what to answer at the moment and told his "other wife Kristen" to come for a moment to meet his son and his friend, she had a very mean mug and looked like one of those evil step-mothers and yet Tess and Keith were putting on their fake smile on trying to impress Keith's dad and Kristen. They were sitting at the dinner table eating when Keith asked his dad where his mom was and Kristen looked at everyone on the table and said "Are you f-cking kidding me Rob, you didn't bother telling your son that you pushed your ex wife down the stairs causing her to lose her memories and move out the country and marry somebody else? Oops- did I say that out loud, sorry not sorry ?". Tess looked at Keith's dad and asked if it was true as he noded his head and said yes she looked at Keith who had anger and fear in his eyes but mostly violence, he got up so quick and went outside in the backyard trying to get air then she proceeded to get up to go find him, he had tears in his eyes and was barely able to breath, it looked like he was about to have a heart attack, despite whatever his mom might have done in the past, he still loved her, matter of fact she's the only parent that he ever loved, his dad was always a busy person and the only time he was home it was because he would sometimes work from home or because he wanted to celebrate something but most of the times Keith would just wake up and he would already been out celebrating with people, or working but never home.

Tess asked Keith if he wanted a hug and for some strange reasons he wanted to be left alone and yelled at Tess but then realized that he made a huge mistake by yelling at her, it's like he was becoming his father. Afterwards he apologized to her and went back inside holding her hands for ressurance, his dad looked at him with guilt in his eyes because he left 4 years passed by without telling his son exactly what happened and why his mom never replied to him no more. Rob told Tess and Keith to sit down in order to explain everything that happened from A to Z, as he was explain, Kristen openly said "I hope you knew your dad was cheating on your mom and that why he was never home for any of your birthdays or bothered to bring you gift from the trip he used to go to", Tess saw hatred in Keith's eyes and stood up and told Kristen that it was enough, that she didn't want to see him go thru another hard phase in life and that she would have rather stay home with him instead of hearing her talk like that to the love of her life about someone who he very much adored and at that moment Rob realized that he made a mistake by sending his son in Vancouver and separating the friendgroup he was and not realizing that Tess was the right person for his son. Tess kept talking about how only a year after she finally got to communicate with him again and that he came to see her for her 18th birthday along with Tristan and Ambrose and that they went on a trip to Greece and that he had asked her out publicly to be his girlfriend and how ever since she has been the happiest she's ever been even though she never had the chance to say goodbye to her parents and that if she had to see them for the last time she would have apologized for all the times she had done something wrong in life, she finished her sentence with "Mr. Rob you know me since I was a little kid, how my parents were one of the nicest people in the neighborhood, I have no idea why you never liked me. One thing I know is that I would never hurt my best-friend who happens to be my lover now" and walked out of the house and went to sit in the car waiting for Keith to finish talking with his dad so they can go home.
Keith stood up and said "I wished I didn't have to find out about everything that happened like that, I thought that after all these years you would have at least try to change a bit but no, you're still the same bastard who used to always pretend to be there for mom and I, I wish I never had a father like you, maybe it was for the best that mom had lost her memories and married someone else so she wouldn't have to stay with you're sorry ass. I honestly hope you and Kristen the best despite her very ugly attitude towards my girlfriend and I, have fun being the father you couldn't be for me, have fun ruining their lives by sending them out the country once they finish high-school, I'm sure they would appreciate it"and walked out the house like nothing.

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