ITZY X MALE READER (Part 2): Meeting

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After wrapping up all the formalities you were sitting in an office waiting to meet the members. You felt a bit nervous as you didn't know who to expect. You knew of a few trainees but you didn't really follow any survival shows. Seeing as how you were going to be this group's dedicated producer you wanted to make a good, friendly impression. "Maybe I should good fix my hair one more ti-"


You turned your head as five gorgeous girls walked into the room along with their manager. Of these girls one in particular caught your eye. She was absolutely stunning with insanely gorgeous sharp eyes and flowing brown hair. Her smile made your heart melt on sight. You were so lost in her beauty you didn't even realize you were staring till they all sat down in front of you. Luckily it seemed none of them noticed and you snapped out of it in time.

The girl with cat-like eyes sudden spoke up. "Hello PD-nim! My name is Hwang Yeji and I am the group leader." She then began to introduce the others. "This is Shin Yuna our maknae, Shin Ryujin our rapper, Lee Chaeryeong our main dancer, and Choi Jisu our main vocal. You can call her Lia though! We are very happy to meet you!" They all bowed which entirely threw you off as you were probably around the same age as most of them. "I'm happy to meet you too! No need for formalities though just call me Y/N."

"Lia huh?"

After their manager left the room you all began to get to know each other as you'd be working pretty closely throughout your careers. They were all really great people, each of them had charms that made them stand out from the others and yet they all seemed to mesh so well. They were all insanely pretty but you couldn't help but keep looking at Lia, she was by far the prettiest person you've ever laid eyes on. You were captured by her face before but as the meeting went on you realized how attractive her body was as well. She was wearing a crop top underneath a light jacket, showing off her toned midsection. You secretly have a thing for midriff so it's safe to say her outfit got to you after awhile. Regardless you kept your focus on the girls and discussed plans for their debut. You all talked about their overall concept and what kind of music would suit them best. They showed you their concept photos as well as overall rough designs for their first music video. As the meeting was coming to a close you had pretty much figured out the direction you all wanted to go for the production. "Okay I think that's all I need, actually I'm feeling super inspired right now!" you said, ready to begin your work. "Wow thanks so much! We appreciate your hard work PD-nim seriously!" Yeji said. "Hey don't worry about it and don't be afraid to call me Y/N seriously." You felt you got closer to them today but you wanted for them to not feel awkward around you, being genuine friends would make the music making process much easier and much more fun for everybody, which meant "PD-nim" had to go. As the girls left the office they all shook your hand and said bye one by one, Lia was the last to leave. As she held your hand your heart skipped a beat. "Bye Y/N! Thank you for today it was nice meeting you!" she said while beaming in your direction. "Y-you too! I can't wait to work with you!" you said realizing you should actually say something instead of just stare at her pretty face. As she left you watched her walk away down the corridor and turn a corner out of your line of sight. You became relaxed after awhile and realized how tense you were. Lia definitely had an effect on you, you were crushing on her for sure. "Whatever I can't do anything about it. She for sure doesn't like me and I just started working here, no need to blow it over a crush." you thought to yourself.

On the way home you couldn't stop thinking about Lia, you knew there was zero chance to be with her but your brain kept flashing her beautiful smile into your thoughts. Entering the house you walked into your studio, you bought an entire new setup that was delivered and setup by a korean friend of yours who owed you a favor. It was decked out with instruments, audio equipment, and a strong PC with several monitors and colored ambient lights. You sat down and began work on the new song. You didn't admit it to yourself, but Lia had lit a fire under you and you wanted to do right by her, after all you were making her debut song. You were gonna pour your heart into this track, for her.

You worked into the night and created a solid outline for a fresh and bold song. You saved your work and got up to get to bed. You had a good feeling about this one.

Saved: "DALLA_DALLA.mp3"

To be continued~

ITZY X MALE READER: IT'Z US (Includes Smut🔞)Where stories live. Discover now