ITZY X MALE READER (Part 6): Celebration🔞

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A week has passed and the grand celebration you had planned for the girls was ready. You had a meal, snacks, refreshments, candy, and ice cream. You set up video games, board games, even a working karaoke software on the PC in your studio. Your house was decked out with lights and decorations, it looked almost like a disco. You felt proud of your hard work and hoped the girls would enjoy themselves.

~Ding Dong~

"They're here!" You rushed to the door and quickly got it open. The members of itzy were looking especially stunning tonight as they dressed up for the occasion. Their outfits seemed to be an interesting mix of their cool and fresh concept with a classic ball look. Each member walked in one by one hugging you on their way before their jaw dropped at the sight of your house. "Oh my god oppa! This is amazing!" exclaimed Chaeryeong. "I can't believe you did all this just for us!" chimed Yeji. "Don't mention it, I just wanted you guys to relax and have fun celebrating your break out success after all that hard work." you said. The members rushed in before you had a chance to process their faces and collided into you for a group hug. "Thank you Y/N!" they all cheered. You smiled, "Alright alright enough of this let's have some fun!" They all sounded off in agreement and went further in.

Hours flew by as you all ate, played, and celebrated together deep into the night. As things died down some members fell asleep, soon after others joined them until all but one member was asleep.

Lia walked up to you and got real close before whispering, "If we go into the studio they won't hear me scream your name~" You shivered and grasped her by her waist. You leaned in and passionately kissed Lia, after pulling away you both made your way to the studio. You closed the door behind you and sat down on the couch. Lia was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her curves perfectly, but that was soon to change as she slowly began slipping it off revealing her round breasts held behind a sexy black bra. She didn't go any further and instead focused on your pants, yanking on them to pull them off, allowing your hardening member to spring out. Deja Vu set in for a second but you had no problem reliving this moment. Lia grasped you member and had only just started to put it in her mouth when you both heard a gasp escape from the studio door.

"Lia?! Y/N?! What is this?!"

Turns out Hwang Yeji was wide awake and followed you and Lia down to the studio. Lia quickly got up, pulled Yeji in and made sure to lock the studio door this time as she pulled Yeji in your direction. "What the hell are you two thinking?", she yelled out into the sound absorbent room, "This is totally inappropria-" "You wanna try?" You sat there in complete shock trying to make sure you had correctly heard what Lia just said. "What...?" "I said do you wanna try? You can join us tonight, think of it as part of the celebration. On one condition, you can't say a word about me and Y/N to anyone, not even the members." You were still trying to process what was going on when Yeji spoke up after some thinking. "....okay yeah." she responded shyly. "WHAT IS HAPPENING", you kept repeating in your own mind. "Good now lets continue~" Lia murmured. She grabbed your dick once again and engulfed it with her warm mouth. Yeji just sat and watched as her member bobbed up and down, slurping and slobbering all over your large member. Lia stopped sucking with a "pop" and looked over at Yeji who was still stunned into place, "Hey loosen up, it's a celebration right? Have some fun Yeji, get some clothes off!" "...okay then." she responded shyly again. Lia continued her work on your member while Yeji began stripping off her top revealing her bra and her breasts behind it. Lia noticed Yeji's continued hesitation and stopped sucking again, "This won't do." She moved up to Yeji and began stripping her down, as well as periodically taking her own clothes off till they were both completely naked in front of you. Yeji was covering herself with her hands while Lia stood almost proud with zero shame. "Cmon Yeji its no fun if you don't show them." Yeji was turned on but her embarrassment seemed to overpower that urge. To ease her in you softly grabbed her and pulled her close into a hug, aside from being in the nude there was nothing sexual feeling about it to Yeji, it just felt...nice. After a bit more hugging Lia got impatient, "Hey are you gonna go all the way with us or not?" Yeji turned to her looking finally ready to let loose. "Yeah I'm ready." she said. "Okay good, Y/N how do you want us?" Lia said with a sexy smirk on her face. "I'll let Yeji go first if that's okay with you?" "Sure babe!" You maneuvered Yeji into the missionary position and rubbed your length across her opening. "ahhh." she moaned softly at the contact. You gave Yeji a quick glance for the final green light, she nodded and you slipped into her pussy. "AAAHH", Yeji belted out, "Oh my god you're so big inside me." After some adjusting you began to move. Yeji's moans continued to raise in volume and frequency as you continued to pick up the pace, pounding her pussy with your cock.

ITZY X MALE READER: IT'Z US (Includes Smut🔞)Where stories live. Discover now