ITZY X MALE READER (Part 24): Confession

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It's been a long while since you started working with Itzy, they weren't the rookies you first met anymore, now they were leaders of their generation of kpop, blazing a trail with every comeback. You felt proud your songs could help them reach their goals and success. Throughout your time working with them the insane thing that is your open relationship with them bloomed into a wonderful thing, sure you still had nerves about who you'd end up with, but for now it was great.

This came with a negative however, when you first started this job you wanted to get to know all the members well so that you could work with them and have great synergy in the music making process, but due to the open relationship one member was not nearly as close to you as the others.

Yuna was incredibly sweet, always energizing and fun to be around, you were close with her but there was still that barrier of professionalism between the two of you. Lia didn't want to leave her out but the other members stopped her for two reasons.

The first and most obvious reason was that she wasn't of age yet, and while her birthday was soon, it wouldn't be okay to drag her into something so openly sexual, and two, she never showed any interest in you to begin with. Yuna was always friendly but never stuck around to hang out with you alone, which kinda made it clear she wouldn't want in regardless of her age.

Still you wished you could have at least gotten closer to her before the open relationship was established, now all your time is dedicated to work or the other girls, leaving you and Yuna to stay quite distant, which felt unfair. You didn't want her to think you hated her either, as you went out with every member but her, it was regrettable, but you couldn't really force anything to change either.

Today you had to head to the company for work, usually you create your tracks at home but for this next album you were tasked with writing the title track as well as some b-sides that you would collaborate with other artists on, which was new. You grabbed your thumb drive that held all your drafts and headed to the company.

It was a pretty productive day, by the time you walked out of the studio one of the b-sides was actually nearing instrumental completion and the other artists you worked with were great. You were feeling a bit hungry so you decided to stop by the jyp cafe which you'd never tried before. As you entered you understood all the fuss about the place, health was a major focus. Healthy options lined the menus which was quite daunting but still intriguing. You picked out a dish that sounded good and looked for a table when suddenly you heard your name.

"Y/N oppa!"

You turned to see none other than Shin Yuna hopping up to you smiling

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You turned to see none other than Shin Yuna hopping up to you smiling. She was wearing a low top with a light green cardigan draping just past her shoulders. She looked...stunning.

"H-Hi Yuna, how are you?"

"I'm okay, I didn't know you are here oppa, I thought you worked from home?"

"Yeah I do, but I had to collab with some others today for your next album, it sounds like it's working so far." you assured her.

"Wow, I don't know how you do it...w-well since you're here do you wanna eat with me?"

"Are you sure Yuna? I don't wanna bother you."

"Come on Y/N oppa no need to be all stuck up around me...unless you don't want to?"

Her face sunk.

"No no no, Yuna I'd love to."

Her smile rose again.

"Okay let's go then!"

She grabbed you by the arm and led you to her table. You both chatted for a bit and your food was brought to you.

"So can you spoil me a bit? What's our next song like?"

She looked at you with excitement in her beautiful eyes, you couldn't say no.

"Fine but keep it quiet okay?"

She nodded profusely.

"Okay, it's a mafia theme, like the game."



"S-Sorry oppa."

"It's fine Yuna." you said patting her head.

You didn't see it but she blushed a bright pink.

Yuna continued to ask broad questions about Itzy's new song and you told her as much as you could without risking your job. The conversation carried on and soon you both had finished your food and were about to head your separate ways. You stood with Yuna at the doorway to the cafe.

"Thanks for inviting me for lunch Yuna, I had fun."

"Me too oppa..."

"Okay well I'll let you know when that song is done, can't wait to hear you nail the recording!"

"Y-Yeah me too..."

"I'll see you soon Yuna!"

You waved and began to walk away when Yuna grabbed you arm.

"Oppa wait!"


"W-Well um...I just wanted"

"Hey are you okay Yuna?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine! It's just..."

"Hey you can tell me anything okay?"

"Yeah...Yeah okay...I just wanted to tell you..."


"I'm in love with you."

That's what I want to say anyway.

Ever since I met Y/N I've been infatuated with him, I thought it was just a burst of attraction at first and that it would go away but over time my feelings only got stronger. I admire him so much, the way he works so hard on his music, his passion, his drive. I grew to love him with just as much passion, but as I saw him get closer to the others, I was too scared to get near him, and acted like I wasn't interested.

That moment. When I saw him in line at the cafe, alone. It was almost too perfect. Time alone with Y/N, it's what I've wanted for years now.

I know my members, they're my family so nothing gets past me. I know they all love him same as me, but I'm tired of sacrificing my own happiness in this situation. I want to be with him so badly. It's not's not...

(Hey...Yuna! Hey!)


"Hey are you okay? You zoned out mid sentence."

"O-Oh sorry oppa..."

"So cmon then, say what you were going to say, don't worry, whatever it is I won't bite."

I guess there's no way out now...


Yuna seemingly braced herself and stood firmly.

"Oppa...I'm...I'm in love with you..."

To be continued~

Author's Note: And with that this book is officially on hiatus! Thank you all for reading this far! I am planning on ending this story but I wanted to leave on a bit of a cliffhanger hehe.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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ITZY X MALE READER: IT'Z US (Includes Smut🔞)Where stories live. Discover now