ITZY X MALE READER (Part 4): In the moment🔞

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Lia continued to explore your mouth with her tongue, at the same time she slightly pushed you onto the couch and straddled you, beginning to move her lower region on yours turning up the heat for both of you. You placed your hands around her waist and brought her closer as you both continue your heated make out session. Lia pulled back, breathing heavily as your lips parted from each other before leaning forward again for more, all while continuing to grind on your lap. Eventually Lia started to pry at the ends of your shirt, you pulled back from her lips and quickly removed it. While you were doing so Lia got off of your lap and began undressing starting from her top. She stripped off her shirt and pants leaving you in awe of her incredible body. Her clear skin and beautiful figure captivating you. All she had left on was a red pair of panties and a red bra. Her round breasts drew you in from behind the velvety fabric, and her toned midsection got you even more excited. After letting you get a bit more of a view she lowered herself to the ground and began pulling off your pants and underwear all at once. You raise your hips to help her get them off faster, releasing your slowly hardening length into the open air. "Woah..." Lia whispered before immediately grabbing it and slowly stroking it up and down. Her hand felt euphoric on you as she picked up the pace a bit. Suddenly you felt a warm, wet feeling spread across the base of your length, you opened your eyes and inhaled sharply as Lia began licking from base to tip excruciating slow. This didn't last for very long however as Lia gets impatient teasing you, instead she quickly takes your entire length into her mouth in one motion. "Oh my god Lia." you groaned. Smirking, clearly enjoying the fact she was pleasuring you, Lia began bobbing her head up and down, slurping noises emanate from Lia's mouth as she continued to suck your dick at a furious pace.

"Slllurp" "Mmph" "Slirrp" "Omph"

Lia moaned around your dick sending vibrations through it and getting you closer and closer to climax. "L-Lia I'm getting close!" you shouted out. In response Lia hummed and moved faster, you tried lasting as long as you could but eventually you gave in and released into her mouth. "UGH LIA!" "MMMPHH."

Lia swallowed every last drop of your cum before laying her head on your lap breathing heavily. "That was amazing Lia." "We're not done yet." Suddenly Lia begins to lick your member, quickly getting it hard again. She backs away and unclasps her bra, tossing it aside, revealing her perfect tits finally set free. She then stood up turned around and quickly slipped of her panties exposing her trimmed nether region and round ass. Snapping back to reality for a few seconds you asked Lia, "Hey are you absolutely sure about this? We can stop here if you want to." You had a feeling she wanted to continue but you also just wanted to check, as even though you liked her a lot, you wanted to make sure that this was for her more than you. "Don't worry." she responded, "I need this...I need you." With that you nodded and pulled Lia's naked body towards yours. She straddled and grinded on you once again except this time you could feel your dick rub against her pussy. You gave Lia one last look, she nodded and you slowly pointed your member toward her entrance. Both you and Lia's breath hitched as you pushed your length into her core, you slowly pushed upward letting Lia adjust to you. After a minute or so she was ready, "Okay Y/N you can move now." You nodded and pushed up into her and she yelped out, "AHHh." You started thrusting into her at a fairly steady pace, your dick ramming into Lia causing her to moan out loud. It didn't take long for her to get really into it as she began to dirty talk while you continued to slam into her from underneath.



This was not the same Lia you had met a week ago, she was not concerned with anything except you and your dick. You decided you might as well indulge as well, grabbing her left nipple in your mouth and sucking as you fucked her.

ITZY X MALE READER: IT'Z US (Includes Smut🔞)Where stories live. Discover now