ITZY X MALE READER (Part 16): Reflection

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When you opened your eyes you it was still dark outside. You blinked as your senses returned to you and you felt your nude body still resting on Ryujin's, her hands sitting softly on your head as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. She was absolutely stunning. It was a cliche thought that you'd had after sleeping with the others for the first time as well, but as cheesy as it felt, you truly loved each of these girls for who they were. The sex was an afterthought to the genuine admiration and love you had for them. You sat still, staring at a peaceful Ryujin and smiling to yourself. Your hand moved up toward her face almost on its own and caressed her cheek, rubbing your thumb against her soft skin. After a few minutes you decided it was time to wake her up and get her home so she wouldn't get a cold. You rose off her warm body and quickly covered her with her blazer.

"Ryu....Ryuuuu." you whispered.

Ryujin squirmed a bit and rose from her deep sleep. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in the back seat, pulling her hair out of her face as she came to her senses.

"Y/N...hey...oh yeah hehe." she said to herself remembering what had happened a few hours ago.

"Rise and not so shine sleepy head." you teased.

"Oh man it's still dark..." Ryujin mumbled.

"Be glad it is, usually nobody drives up here but if we slept till morning and someone passed by both our careers would be over." you chuckled nervously.

"Good point." she agreed.

"Let's get you covered up okay? I don't want you to catch a cold." you said.

Ryujin nodded but then immediately blushed at the idea of her exposed body. You noticed her hesitance and tried to reassure her.

"If you want me to turn away that's totally cool, I know last night was a bit sudden." you said.

Ryujin sat in thought for a few seconds before shaking her head.

"N-No it's okay...I don't mind if it's you." she replied back.

You smiled at her.

"She is so precious." you thought to yourself.

"Okay then Ryu, I'm gonna get dressed too, let me know if you need help finding something we kinda threw our clothes all over the place." you laughed.

She giggled with you, "Yeah I will."

She removed her blazer off her chest, revealing her nude figure once again. You couldn't help but look just a bit, she was simply too perfect. You ripped your own focus off of her and let her get dressed in peace as you did the same.
After you both got dressed you sat back into your seats up front and held hands. You had something to admit.

"Hey Ryu can I tell you something? Just promise you won't freak out?" you asked.

"Of course Y/N, what is it?"

"Well you know how I'm technically with Lia right?"

Her face slumped realizing what had just happened, she was aware of you and Lia dating but her intense crush on you had fogged her mind. She completely forgot about it.

"OH MY GOD NO!" she yelled.


"Ryu, Ryujin! Relax!" you said trying to calm her down.

She looked back at you confused.

"Don't worry I'll explain everything. I'm not cheating and you aren't a bad friend. She actually wants this." you said.

Ryujin had never been more lost in her life.


"Lia and I already have an open relationship, you apparently aren't the only member of itzy who likes me I guess." you said while turning red.

"So...wait a second, are you telling me that Lia wants an open relationship, with you and the members?" she asked.

"Well there wasn't a plan for it at first, but Yeji walked in on me and Lia one time and Lia suddenly made her join in, as for Chaeryeong we caught her...uh...pleasing herself while watching us so Lia had her join too." you explained, "After all that had happened Lia decided she liked it and here we are. They all agreed they didn't want to leave you out considering you had the biggest crush on me, and so I took you out on a date, although I never expected to sleep with you." you laughed.

"Lia, Yeji, and Chaeryeong? Wait no wa-"

"Don't worry Yuna knows literally nothing I would never do that." you said.

Ryujin sighed in relief.

"Although when she becomes legal I honestly do not know what Lia will do to her." you said, "She's uh...really into this whole thing now."

Ryujin laughed, "I won't let her try unless Yuna wanted to no worries."

You were surprised at how well she was taking this.

"So you're okay then?" you asked.

"Yeah, honestly I thought for awhile now that those two were with you too often compared to Lia, now it makes sense." she said, "So what are they to you exactly? All girlfriends?"

"Not exactly, Lia yes but the others are kinda friends with benefits, although they have been really REALLY flirty lately hehe."

"Hmm...well why not date us all?" she asked.

You were taken aback by this sudden notion. You hadn't really considered it before but seeing how open your relationship already was and how intense each girl's feelings toward you were, it honestly wasn't a bad idea.

"We haven't considered that to be honest." you said.

"Well why don't we all meet with Lia and ask? You said all this has been her doing right? Why not try?" she said, "I-I really like you Y/N...a lot, last night was incredible and I want to enjoy more of my life with you, so this seems like the way for me to do that."

You sat in thought for awhile and quickly realized that just talking it out was indeed the best option, like with everything else in this relationship.

"Okay let me text her, I can have her come by the house tomorrow, the others will have to do something with Yuna so she doesn't wanna come."


Y/N: Hey babe sorry I haven't texted in a bit, things went well with Ryujin but they escalated quickly haha. She wants to talk to you about something so if you can meet us at my place this morning. We'll both be there but don't bring the other members okay? Love you<3

Lia: Okie honey I'll be there!

Lia: did you enjoy her? ;)

Y/N: We'll talk about it later silly, sleep well I'll see you tomorrow.

Lia: Alright, alright, I'll see you then babe, I love you too<3

"Okay it's settled." you said, "Tomorrow morning you can ask."

Ryujin smiled and quickly hugged you before kissing you passionately.

"Thank you Y/N." she said, eyes full of love.

You smiled back, "Of course Ryu."

To be continued~

ITZY X MALE READER: IT'Z US (Includes Smut🔞)Where stories live. Discover now