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Hey guys! Just popping in at the begining to let you know a few things about the story (the important stuff), for starters when the text is in bold it's me (the author) talking not the characters. Second, as I mentioned in the description they are 15/16 but it's just a few months after the war when they got rid of Alva and Stiltskin. Third, Gilly is still traumatized and stressed out, but she also has trust issues because of how many times Anna betrayed her (again idk if that's PTSD but if it and your uncomfortabel with that then plz don't read this, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable). Lastly, they were gicen the option to remain living on-campus (at FTRS) and they all chose to. (Jocelyn and AG didn't have a choice bc they still have to live with their families) The dorms are: Kayla, Maxine and Gilly, Ollie, Jax and Jack and Hayley was in a mermaid dorm (yes she came back). Now onto the story!

**Gilly's POV***

"Hey girls," Ollie said as Maxine, Kayla and I walked into the cafeteria for breakfast. Him and Jax wer sitting next to eachother at our usual table and I spotted Jack in line getting food. I waved to Ollie and Jax as we walked over to grab some food, and made sure to get some cheese for Wilson hwo squeaked to remind me when I almost forgot. We walked over and I sat down next to Jax and Kayla sat down next to Ollie, Maxine sat across from us-ish.

"Hiya boys!" Kayla said cheerily, smiling at them. She had a light blue, shiny summer dress on as it was Saturday and we had interviews later. We had way too many interviews, all. the. time. It was really annoying, honestly. Jax xhuckled at Kayla's energetic greeting and Ollie said it right back which made Jack snigger. Boys, I sighed.

Hayley and AG came in a few minutes later, but Jocelyn was still nowhere to be seen five minutes before breakfast ended. I supposed she must be eating Harlow again, like we did when Stiltskin was headmaster. I was worried about her, though. She usually at least told someone that she wouldn't be there and no one else seemed to have noticed. I shrugged it off and continued with our conversations about absolutely nothing.

A while later while I arrived early to the interveiw, and found Raz already waiting. I was ten minutes early and everyone else was usually running when they started or a few minutes after, so I was suprised to see Raz, espicially since she wasn't supposed to be in the begining but rather come in half way through. "Hey Gilly!" She said, a big smile bright on her face.

"Hi, Raz." I said, forcing a smile onto my face, but I could tell she wasn't convinced.

"You alright, Gils?" She asked, concern lightly etched on her face. She was the only one who called me 'Gils'... other than Red occasionally, but Raz called me 'Gils' consistently. It made me smile most of time.

"Yeah! Just a bit tired, I was working on a project yesterday and then Kayla and Maxine- er Peaches, really, were making a lot of noise and I fell asleep late." I give her a tired smile and yawn slightly, but try to cover it up. I think she knows that it's not just a one time thing, I've been tired for a while I keep having bad dreams and it's hard to fall asleep when you know they're waiting.

"Are you sure that's all?" She asked, clearly not convinced.

"Yep!" I lied, and smiled at her. She smiled back and gave me a quick hug, which if it was anyone else, would have caught me off gaurd but because it was Raz I was expecting it. As such, I hugged her back and she let go and pulled me into the room of the interveiw and we helped them set for the last five minutes before the interveiw started and the others arrived barely on time, except Ollie, he was a few minutes late. As always, Ollie hasn't been on time a day in his life.

"I hardly think you need introductions but do you mind introducing yourselves so we can get started?" She asked politely, smiling at us. Jack kicked us off.

"Wassup? I'm Jack Spriggins." He says, casually or maybe flirty I can't tell he thinks he's all that or something, sometimes it's annoying.

"Do I have to say my last name?" Ollie grumbled and got a look from Raz who was standing behind the camera right now, and quickly introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Ollie Funklehouse." He said quickly, I held back a laugh.

"Hi, I'm Maxine Hockler." Maxine said and smiled shyly.

"Helloo," Kayla started in a sing-song voice, "I'm Kayla Wingtip!"

"Hi, I'm Allison Grace." AG said quietly looking down.

"Hello, I'm Jax Porter." Jax smiled.

"Jocelyn." Was all Jocelyn in a sorta rude tone of voice.

"Heya, I'm Hayley Holiday." Hayley said, with a small smile.

"Hey, I'm Gilly Cobbler." I say as casually as possible, and trying to force a convincing smile onto my face. It probably worked for most people, but I caught the look on Jax's face and knew that not everyone bought it. Or I suppose that someone didn't buy it.

"Alright then, who wants to take the first question?" The interveiwer asked.

Okay, sorry this is a pretty short chapter but I hope your enjoying it! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you like this one as much as the last one. I'll try to update again soon, thank you so much for reading, commenting and rating! =) (and I'm working on making a cover for this, I PROMISE lol)

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now