Assignments and eavesdropping

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It was a long week after Monday. On Tuesday we had an assembly which was boring, attendance was mandatory and we had to write an essay on the lecture that was 3 pages long. Wednesday we had three tests, charms, fairy pets and etiquite. Etiquite was the worst because we had to take a ballroom dancing test and I hate, even Jax is my partner. On Thursday Jack got into a fight with Hanzel and ended up in the hospital wing, Anna asked me if I'd ask him to apologize and I told her no, as Hanzel had instagated the fight and Jack had ended up hurt and he hadn't. Earlier today, or Friday, Jocelyn and Gretel got a month's detention each for hexing each other, Anna got two and a half weeks of detention for attempting to start a fight with Kayla and for helping Gretel hex Jocelyn and we had all recieved another Flora lecture because we were there when it happened even though AG and I didn't do anything.

I hadn't seen again yet, so I figured I was probably only seeing her once a week which made sense. I had also figured out that the gang had figured out I was at therapy and had been asking questions since then. Obviously Maxine and Jax both knew that Red had something to with it, although they thought she was just escorting me and I didn't tell anyone but Jax otherwise. I also asked him not to tell the others, not that he would. Now it was 3 o'clock on a Friday afternoon and I was first one to the library where my friends and I always met.

Since I had half an essay from Monday and a small history project to do, I decided to set to work and not wait for my friends to arrive. I mean, we always sat at the same table, in the same spots and worked on school stuff- or at least tried to work on school stuff. Only today it was different. AG came next and sat down in her usual seat on my left and started working aswell. A couple minutes later when everyone was there and Hayley, Jack(who had been dismissed from the hospital wing at lunch), and Kayla were still standing and Kayla went to sit down next to Ollie like always Hayley stopped her.

"Could I sit there instead of my usual seat, K?" Hayley asked. Kayla looked puzzled but shrugged and sat down in Hayley's usual seat next to Jack and let Hayley sit next to Ollie. We-ir-d! Her and Jack always sit together and whisper until the rest of us yell at them to shut up (and once that didn't work and Jocelyn had sealed their lips shut with magic and kept them that way for an hour and a half so they had stopped at yelling ever since). I decided I'd have to ask her what was up because she actually looked a bit upset now that I really got a good look at her face.

"So.. what to do we have to hand in by Monday?" Ollie asked and Jax gave him a 'are you kidding me' look, and Maxine laughed.

"Ollie, we have to hand in the essay about the lecture Monday, and our history assignments and I think you still owe Sebastion your assignment from last week." I said rather exasperatedly. I knew what most of my friends had to do for class, I didn't keep track on purpose or anything I was just good at remembering stuff.

"Thanks, Gil, you're a life saver!" He said and set to work. You'd think he could at least remember what classes we had to assignments for, but I suppose not. Not that I'm really suprised, it's not like this is a new phenominon. (I can't spell, sorry folks) Ollie isn't exactly the best student and the only things he bothers to remember are sweets and where he can buy them, magic tricks and anything to with a pirate or a pirateship.

"No problem, I guess." I said back and turned my attention back to my assignments. The history one was going to be easy, as I found history quite interesting. Our lecture, however, had been on some boring laws and why we need them. Which is what our essay was supposed to be about, but I can only write the same thing so many different ways before it actually sounds like I'm actually repeating information, I had a page left to write and nothing to really do besides sumerize. I saw a quote somewhere about how if you can't explain something simply then you don't understand it well enough, and I know perfectly well why people think we need the laws from the lecture and I knoew perfectly well why we don't really need them.

Against my better judgement on the last page of my essay I wrote how although everything I had previoucly written was techincally true, it was only part of the story and that there were many effects from laws and I questioned wether the good impact really justified the bad impact and stated what the bad impact was, I also wrote that the speaker had been biased as they hadn't mentioned any of the negative impacts. If I hadn't gotten rather into writing the second part, as I thought it was vaild arguement and pointed out the clear bias of the entire assignment and the lecture then maybe I wouldn't have left it in. But I did leave it in, and I submited it before I could change my mind.

I got from the table, told my friends I was handing in one of my assignments as we had premission to hand in the essay early since they were being submitted into a fancy charmed paper collector on a table right by Headmistress Flora's office. I walked into the grand hall and made my way directly to the paper collector so that I couldn't chicken out and write some more boring stuff about nothing. I handed the paper in, and as I did I heard voices coming from Flora's office. Odd. She hadn't bothered to close the door all the way. Someone must be in serius trouble, or someone had gone in to ask her a question and didn't close the door because it wasn't an important thing.

I was going to just turn and walk back to my friends when I realized the only voice I could make out besided Flora's was none other than Anna. I stopped dead, looked around the hall to see if anyone else was there, as far as I could see the coast was clear. So, I walked closer to the door, being careful to make as little noise as possible. Once I was close enough to make out words I stopped and listened.

"-this is unacceptable, Miss Cobbler! You have to go to class!"

"But I did all of my assignments and I understand everything!"

"Enough! You will go to class, you will do you work and you will follow the rules! Am I clear, Miss Cobbler?!"

"I- yes, fine, whatever. I'll go to class, I geuss."

"Watch your attitude, you're lucky you only got detention-"

"And I have to help clean or something."

"Regardless! You could have been put in solitary confiement or worse for that!"

"What's worse than that?"

"Jail. If you get sentanced to Fairy Tale Reform School, not enrolled and you do something so foul you get expelled you are placed in jail, Miss Cobbler."

This last comment seemed to have stunned Anna into silence, as it had also stunned me. I hadn't realized that, but I guess it makes sense. However, nothing about that had anything to do with my biggest question. What is god's name did Anna do?! I decided I had heard enough of that conversation and I wasn't sure I wanted to know anymore. At least I didn't want to learn anymore from eavesdropping. I knew that I was going to talk Anna the second I heard her in Flora's office.

I rushed back to the library, deciding to keep what I'd heard to myself for a while. I walked in and submersed myself in my history project, I don't know if it was because I didn't want to talk to anyone or because I was afriad of what my mind would come up with if I let it run wild and make up stories about what my little sister had done this time. Anna had done some pretty bad stuff, and I could only wonder if she'd do something worse. I didn't know how far she'd go, would she really do something that should have made Flora that mad or was she overreacting? I didn't really have a clue. Not that it mattered, really. Anna had done something she shouldn't have, something she really shouldn't have and she was going to bare the consiquences whether I got involved at all or not.

But there was a little voice, struggling to get to the surface of my mind, and it was say, 'What if she didn't do anything that bad? What if she got blamed for something? What if she needs your help? She's your sister, you can't assume she did something so foul.'. Part of me knew the voice would probably lead me into a space between a rock and a hard place, but part of my also knew I was never going to not side with Anna if I had the choice. I hadn't seen proof that Anna had done something... Maybe, just maybe, she was still my little sister.. maybe she hadn't gone all bad afterall.. maybe.

Hey guys! This was almost 2k words, so I'm proud of myself for making this so long! Also, I think I made Anna worse than I intended to, so sorry if y'all were hoping for her and Gilly to be close. Thank you all so, so much for reading, rating commenting and sharing my story/putting it in lists. It means so much and I'm really honored you all like my fanfics so much!

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now