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*** Narrator POV ***

Gilly and Jax slept in the infermery until around nine in the moring the next day, meanwhile their friends were freaking out. AG had almost had a panic attack because of the state they found Gilly in and it had taken a while to calm her down only for Maxine and then Kayla to do the same. Jocelyn was being far ruder than usual, which was quite the achievment, although she refused to admit it was because she worried about her friend. Hayley was just about pulling her hair out but was also trying to keep calm since the others were in such a state. Ollie, although upset about Gilly being so injured, was too busy fretting over everyone else (mainly Kayla) to give much of his attention to hoping Gilly was okay. And, lastly, Jack. Jack was not sure what to do at all, he wanted to help calm everyone down but his prensence seemed to be making Jocelyn even more agitated so eventually he ended up leaving.

The adults, however, were a bit of a different case. Rapunzel had set to allerting the dwarf police squad and the other princesses and teachers of the situation and then stayed with Jax and Gilly even though both were sleep or unconcious (she wasn't sure) by the time she got there. Wolfington was trying (granted not really succeeding) to help everyone calm down, granted he seemed to have lost his composure slightly. Harlow had left almost amideatly only to return about ten minutes later with Angelina, Kayla's mom. Angelina got Kayla to calm down a little, but not much.

Robbin had left to get Red, figuring she would at least want to know if she din't want to come to FTRS. Red, as you may assume, wanted to go to FTRS to see if she could help at all. She found that she could not really be of any help yet, but felt better knowing she had tried and she felt better personally after seeing Gilly and being able to tell she was getting better.

*** Gilly's POV around 9 AM ***

I woke up with an absolutely awful headache, at first I had no clue why. Then, the events of the previous night came back to mind. I started crying, which woke Jax up. The relief I saw in his eyes when he saw me awake made me realise how foolish of me it was to run off without telling ayone anything. I felt like an idiot, a complete utter idiot. Why did think Anna could really change? Maybe, I thought angrilly, because she did once or she never would have done this.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my teary eyes meeting Jax's. "I'm so, so sorry." I whispered again and then I started sobbing. Jax wrapped his arms around me, crawling into the hospital bed to hold me.

"It's okay.." He whispered back, "She tricked you, Theif, it's okay." He kissed the top of my head and I cried harder because, god, he's so perfect and all I ever do is mess everything up. I tried (kinda) to pull away from Jax because I felt bad that he was always comforting me, but he wouldn't let me. So, I cried into his chest for about a helf an hour and then we stayed like that for another half an hour before everyone came rushing into the infermery.

"GILLY!" AG screamed as she ran into the room and jumped (lierally) on top of me to give me a hug. I hugged back even though it hurt a bit when she jumped on me.

"Thank god." Kayla said in a breathy low voice.

"You're okay!" Maxine yelled in relief. Jocelyn looked relieved even though I knew she'd never say she was happy I was okay. Hayley gave me a gentle hug, which I apriacated after having been jumped on.

A little while later Raz asked (okay, more like made sure seeing as I found out later she'd already told them to) me if it was okay with me if she had the dwarf police squad and whoever else look for Anna and the candy-theives to arrest them. I said it was okay with me, and that was that.

Okay, so as I've already mentioned I have lost my interest in this story so this probably seems very rushed but I'm going to end the main story here and then write a epilouge. I may come back later and add more detail but I won't sevearly change the story but if I do add more detail I'll let you know. Thank you all so, so much for continuing to read this story even though the quality is going down! That's all for now, luvs! <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now